Wth? Then they’d need twice as much housing. And aid! These council members are idiots!
Not to mention the increase in medical costs. Cutting people in half is probably pretty difficult and costly procedure, and the halves would probably need pretty intense care to keep them alive.
Who said anything about keeping them alive?
Homeless people are not worms. They don’t grow back from both ends when you cut them in half.
Worms don’t grow back from both ends when you cut them in half
Not with that attitude.
Do they have enough magicians to pull this off?
Hey, the Tory party has plenty of tricksters!
Yet another manifesto pledge they failed to deliver
I was curious and it looks like homelessness has been more or less increasing annually every year with quarterly fluctuations: LINK TO GOV_UK infographic
And Conservatives won every general election from 2010 until 2024 (they recently lost to Labour in 2024) so they absolutely couldn’t hack it. To be clear, the sign IS FAKE but they DID ACTUALLY promise to end “rough sleeping” homelessness.
So, double the amount of homeless?
Well, I’d think there would be zero homeless, unless they count starfishes as homeless.
Vertical or horizontal?
left shoulder to right knee
Vertical from the side, front and back halves.
New Year’s Eve is gonna be a bloodbath.
Good thing Labours in power now
They will compromise and only cut half of homeless people in half.
That sounds like tories.
What a modest proposal…
Maybe increase the budget for education and writing by some amount as well while they’re making “cuts” in other areas. Hey-o.
Shit, there’s going to be guts all over the sidewalks tonight
Rise of the magicians? Or someone didn’t read the instructions for a guillotine?
Metal af