Ask for Source (page has NSFW!)
Bully Fox by Int Farm artist
Also in forbidden furry site
Alright, source (unless it’s Twitter)?
In comments
Where’s the
lambfox sauce???Someone posted sauce
WThere’s thelambfox sauce!!!
PS5 Games??
Source (Desuarchive)
It doesnt take long at all in that thread for it to turn into porn huh :')
Artist (Tumblr), alternate frontend
Pokemon Diamond edition, my beloved. This game was my introduction to the Pokemon series. It aged kinda poorly (super slow health bars, no battle frontier, and a bunch of other stuff that Platinum did better), but it’s still one of my favourites because there are so many good memories attached to it.
While not my first, but it was the last one I had played for years.
Until last year actually where I decided to try and catch up with the series a bit. Played Black/White 2 at recommendation of a friend.
Did you like B/W2? I tried to play X/Y a while ago, but it just didn’t feel right. B/W (the first iteration) was fun when I first played it, though.
Twas pretty good. Haven’t played X/Y yet. Might give it a try soon.