Innocent? Every person they sent was sent without due process! They are all innocent according to law.
Haven’t you heard? The rule of law no longer means anything. Now the “law” is whatever the regime says it is.
But, they held up the Adobe® Pantone™ card and his skin tone was in the lower 4/5ths, surely he was a terrorist.
Ah, the terroristish hue.
The Venezuelan “terrorist” gang is just a test balloon. They’re seeing if they can get away with rounding up people and deporting them with zero due process.
If they get away with it, they’ll eventually designate a Mexican cartel as “terrorists” under the same law and use it to arrest and deport anyone of Mexican origin that they want. The same for every other non-white majority country.
These people are openly Nazis. They’re doing Nazi shit right in front of everyone and getting away with it. The Supreme Court could stop it, but will they? And if they do, will their orders be enforced?
The Supreme Court could stop it, but will they? And if they do, will their orders be enforced?
I honestly think that train has left the station. The coup rollout is already disregarding court orders, so the Supreme Court also declaring some actions illegal would not be insurmountable. It would cost the coup time to let public outrage descend below criticality, but within the government the purge is hitting escape velocity.
If they get away with it, they’ll eventually designate a Mexican cartel as “terrorists” under the same law and use it to arrest and deport anyone of Mexican origin that they want. The same for every other non-white majority country.
He is clearly fairly brown and has a Spanish language tatoo. That was enough to send him away. Those two things are not rarer for Mexicans.
They already designated several cartels as terrorist organizations.
Canada jumped at the chance to designate thier citizens as terrorists
This is a chronically online persons take on the Trump admin. Theyre not Nazis. Nazis were a political party, not an ideology. Trump is not a member of the national socialist german workers party. This is lazy reddit tier political analytics. Extremely juvenile knee jerk emotional reaction. Trump admins are showing alarming signs of authoritarian rule, backed by oligarchy. Any other fear mongering this administration is dishonest and not helpful and is distracting.
Yeah, it’s only Nazi if it comes from the Bavarian region of Germany, otherwise it’s only sparkling fascism.
Sorry to correct you, but it was imported from Austria… namely a town called “Braunau”, translates to “Brownfield”
Nazism formally named National Socialism is the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology.
Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. Its beliefs include support for dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism, homophobia, ableism, and the use of eugenics.
Sound fimilar?
Trump and his cabinet are extremely pro israel and his policies are pro gun, which do not align with national socialism at all.
They are not “nazis”. Certainly echoes some national socialist principles, in the same way any autocratic leaning person would.
They are only pro-gun because it is preceived the left are outgunned. Break that illusion and watch how fast they’ll make a 180.
Being pro-isreal does not make them not antisemitic. Hell, Hitler was for isreal to become a thing before the nazis found it too costly to ship jews away.
Don’t mistake their pro Israel takes for being “not antisemitic”. They’re pro Israel to have a place to deport jews to. That’s extremely antisemitic. They’re calling jews who disagree with Netanyahu and who want peace “bad jews”.
The cruelty is the point. ‘‘We can’t make it illegal to be Black but we can pass a drug schedule and go after them night after night on the evening news’’ - how Nixon did racist messaging
Unbelievable how little they seem to care about the rule of law.
It’s super believable. They never cared; Nixon was a crook.
Tough but fair /s