“The misguided and ignorant (unknowing of true reality) indulge in heedlessness; but the wise protect mindfulness as their greatest treasure.”

– DhammaPada Verse 26

“Do not indulge in heedlessness or the pleasures of sensual desires; for the vigilant, meditative one attains abundant happiness.”

– DhammaPada Verse 27

Related Teachings:

Who is the Dhamma for | Eight thoughts of a great person (AN 8.30) ↗️ - This teaching shares eight qualities of a great person, which leads them to the realization of the fruit of Dhamma, enlightenment, Nibbāna.

The Cave of Ignorance (Snp 4.2) - Vivid verses on overcoming the mire of delusion by avoiding attachment to sensory pleasures, discerning their causes, and practicing for being free of ‘mine’.