Doctor of Women? That’s not quite right
And the spelling is British. Had to look that up.
What’s wrong with British, mate?!
Otolaryngologists, also called otorhinolaryngologists, tend to ears (greek otos), nose (greek rhis) and throat (greek larynx).
Actually a gynaecologist is not a ‘doctor of women’ since not only women have that reproductive system, not to mention many women don’t have that reproductive system as well. They’re doctors of vulvas, vaginas, ovaries, cervixes and uteri etc.
I guess you could say they specialize in female reproductive organs or something
But this “guide” is just super simplified
Yeah, if they’re going to be biologically essentialist, the least they could do is get their terminology correct.
Doctor of Pharmaceuticals: Pharmacist
Something I came across after having to have glass removed from my hand: there’s no specific term for a doctor that specializes in hands.
Never thought of that. I have hand surgery coming up and can’t wait. Had no idea there was a fix for trigger finger. Also, had no idea there was a bullet in my hand.
Is it an airgun pellet?
Doctor of men: Barman
In German:
- Frauenarzt
- Hautarzt
- Ohrenarzt (or the lovely abbreviation HNO)
All of these end with t or n except for bone
Because its orthopedic surgeon. Orthopedic is just the branch, it basically means “medicine dealing with the bone”. But it literally mean “straightening children”. It’s best not to talk about the literal meaning
Doctor of Ass: Proctologist