• Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Yes. It’s the Conservative playbook. We’ll only dig ourselves deeper in the muck if we elect them again.

    The last time we elected a Conservative government, their leader became the head of an international organization that works in the shadows to try and install conservative governments across the globe.

  • psvrh@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    They don’t care. The tax cuts are all that matters.

    If the policy was “tax cuts for the rich, all the poor people will literally be put into a meat grinder and made into sausages” they’d be for it. The only reason they don’t have that as a policy plank is because we’re still ostensibly a democracy and conservatives have to fool people into voting for them. The know their platforms are odious and unpopular, which is why they avoid articulating them at all costs and instead hammer on identity politics.

    This is also why conservatives are, to a man, in favour of illiberalism across the globe: to further realize their vision, they really need pesky things like “democracy” and “the rule of law” out of the way.

    When your politicial ideology is basically the plot of Highander (“there can be only one!”) and the details are just who’s going to win out in the end, programs that benefit everyone, especially “losers”, are off the table.