
What really trips me out is that Kamala Harris is a black woman with NO reparations on her platform but Jill Stein is a white woman with reparations on hers. That shows that not all skinfolk is kinfolk when it comes to looking out for our agenda as black Americans.

[Screenshot of Jill Stein’s platform on Reparations, image to text below]

Reparations and the Agenda to Facilitate Black Liberation

A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee as a human right reparations to the descendants of African slaves for the historic crime of enslavement. Reparations is a cornerstone of the Black Agenda, but reparations is far from the only policy needed to begin to redress what has been stolen from the Black community over 400+ years.

Source: https://x.com/Jaybefaunt/status/1834673851340382234

Edit: added full section of Jill Stein’s platform on “Reparations and the Agenda to Facilitate Black Liberation” below

Reparations and the Agenda to Facilitate Black Liberation

A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee as a human right reparations to the descendants of African slaves for the historic crime of enslavement. Reparations is a cornerstone of the Black Agenda, but reparations is far from the only policy needed to begin to redress what has been stolen from the Black community over 400+ years.

Scholars and activists who have studied and formulated propositions for Reparations itself have put the minimum cash value of reparations at $12 trillion, to be paid to those who claim legitimate descendancy from enslaved Blacks prior to the Civil War. This number is derived not only from the stolen labor prior to 1865, but also from the reneged promise of Field Order 15, commonly referred to as “40 acres and a mule”, which was never made good upon.

We don’t need any further debate on whether reparations should be paid. They should, without question, as they were in 1988 to those impacted by WWII Japanese internment camps. The Stein administration will confer with Black community leaders on who qualifies, how they qualify (historical records exist), how much they will be paid in cash, and how those payments will be made.

There are other policies essential to the overall Black Agenda, as slavery was not the only historic crime against the Black community in America. We recognize both historic and existing racism in America, While it has been addressed in legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to this day an end to systemic racism has never been realized. Many of these essential policies, such as universal healthcare, immigration, policing, and free public college education, are addressed in other areas of this platform. Furthermore, it should be noted that the Black Agenda is a progressive agenda.

In addition to ensuring Reparations, a Jill Stein Administration will:

  1. Direct all federal agencies to consider and include race and ethnicity as part of all of their initiatives and other programs implemented with federal dollars
  2. Overturn the harmful Alexander v. Sandoval Supreme Court decision that currently increases the burden for, or eliminates private right of action against entities that violate Title VI and other mandates contained in the Civil RIghts Act of 1964
  3. Promulgate a moratorium on all proposed Cop Cities and end federal investments in such facilities
  4. Establish a National Office for Civilian Oversight Committees to ensure greater transparency and accountability for civilian law enforcement departments
  5. Establish a multi-agency federal Returning Citizens Task Force to assist and provide resources for the formerly incarcerated in an effort to expedite their journey back to full citizen status including, but not limited to, immediate restoration of voting rights in most cases
  6. Increase investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and leverage the power of the federal government to force states to compensate state run, land grant HBCUs the more than $13 Billion they are owed
  7. Increase investments in programs that support Black-owned businesses.
  8. Ensure that a universal single-payer healthcare system addresses and resolves the health outcome disparities for the Black community, and in particular for Black women
  9. Eliminate ‘food deserts’ where fresh produce and food sovereignty is largely unavailable, a condition which disproportionately impacts Black communities.
  10. Work with Congress and federal agencies to codify the Justice for Black Farmers Act
  11. Eliminate white nationalists from police forces by Federal law, and ensure white nationalist groups’ activities are routinely monitored, due to white nationalist violence being the greatest single source of domestic terrorism.
  12. Ensure the Office of Civil Rights is fully funded, staffed, and fulfills its obligation to protect the civil rights of marginalized communities.
  13. Restore Section 4(b) and Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and permanently certify the entire law
  14. Address and ameliorate the legacy of redlining through programs that deliver recompense for Black homeowners whose home values are adversely and disproportionately impacted to this day by this systemically racist practice
  15. Federal moratorium on new construction of fossil fuel infrastructure and other polluting operations in or proximate to Black and other environmental justice communities
  16. Massive reinvestment from policing and prisons into social, economic, and other programs that lead to direct community benefits
  17. Establish a federal commission to eradicate the lead pipes and tainted water crisis impacting cities like Flint, MI within one year after I take office
  18. Work with Congress and impacted community members to draft and pass the Justice for Cancer Alley Act that will include compensation and free healthcare in perpetuity for victims in this region who have been subjected to environmentally racist practices for decades
  19. Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Hive at Movement for Black Lives to codify proposals and demands included in their Black Climate Mandate
  20. Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Alliance for Peace to promulgate their Zone of Peace strategies that combat and dismantle larger structures and interests that generate war and state violence—colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism and all forms of imperialism both domestically and internationally

“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” -Fannie Lou Hamer


  1. [1] https://www.jillstein2024.com/platform ↩︎