• 0x815@feddit.org
    1 day ago

    Just stumbled upon a new research identifies human rights abuses in battery supply chain – [archived link]:

    Research from Infyos has identified that companies accounting for 75 per cent of the global battery market have connections to one or more companies in the supply chain facing allegations of severe human rights abuses […] most of the allegations of severe human rights abuses involve companies mining and refining raw materials in China that end up in batteries globally, particularly in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in northwest China.

    The research company Infyos says that supply chain changes are needed to eliminate widespread forced labour and child labour abuses occurring in the lithium-ion battery market. It would be interesting to know what Mr. Sanchez says about this.

    In other news this week, the Spanish PM is quoted saying he doesn’t want “a war, in this case, a trade war.” So what does he say about China’s support for Russia in its war in Ukraine, Beijing’s aggressive behaviour in the South China Sea against the Philippines, against Taiwan, Japan, Australia, and other Asian neighbours?