Worth a watch. Good interviews with locals.

Some towns have gotten 50% bigger in less than 2 years as new people moved in. Schools and infrastructure were not prepared.

Why is this happening? And - as seen in the comments on this thread - why are you a racist if you ask about it?

To be clear: immigration is important, and necessary, but I had not heard or seen the impact that this huge surge of people have had on many small towns until I saw this.

If your reaction to someone asking this simple question is anger: that’s a problem. Feel free to treat me like an idiot and back up your opinion with data. Otherwise, I don’t understand why we should be obligated to treat this massive influx of people better than our own citizens. No other country does it.

  • ganksy@lemmy.world
    17 hours ago

    This also you?

    I have not been occupying right spaces online. Don’t have the time / energy. And I don’t really put in the effort to try to change anyone’s mind Online because people are change resistant online.


    I do argue politely IRL for things that would help. Better infrastructure, trains, good jobs, love everyone, let people do what they want as long as it doesn’t hurt others, transparency in money and government, and make good things in America. Still unlikely to change minds but at least making friendships with people different from me.

    I guess my overall thesis would be: online discourse is has proven unproductive. I’m tired of reading vitriol and “other side is so dumb wow.”

    Disappointed to see the echoiness of the echo chamber on Lemmy

    Edit bc quote box didn’t wrap all paragraphs