and the OP is a troll who’s been posting various levels of mask-on to full-racist memes all over Lemmy.
and the OP is a troll who’s been posting various levels of mask-on to full-racist memes all over Lemmy.
OP is a right-wing troll.
Delicious copium.
Perhaps I spend too much time reading them, but I’m more surprised when the comment section is NOT toxic!
Is this gonna be a thing now? This same dumb meme was posted by a different rightoid troll just last night, until it got downvoted enough that the poster deleted it.
Thank you.
I’m often surprised by how active and “engaged” the comment section can get, especially on live videos.
Are you shocked that intentional bait from a right-wing troll is getting downvoted? Or, are you another twat cut from the same cloth and you’re feeling triggered?
I’m glad I found your comment! This thread had me questioning my sanity - I have never, in my 50+ years on this Earth, encountered this phenomenon!
[TikTok is] the most popular Social Media Platform
I’m not calling you a liar, but this is news to me. Do you have any data to back up that assertion?
You’re asking a LOT if you think a MAGAt can explain something.
User from .ml makes a “mistake” that supports right-wing nonsense. No surprise there.
You’ve got the wrong fucking guy in the bottom panel, troll. Get bent.
As a resident of New England, I’m ok with all of these changes.
Guess they didn’t want to feel left out. Shame, as the last article I’d seen referencing this particular fleecing by Trump pointed out that Google and Microsoft had donated nothing and that was a rare good look for those companies!
Fuck Newsweek, they’ve lost any shred of credibility.
What knock-off Google Translate clone did you use?
"If it’s that urgent, you could have checked my profile.
Have a nice day."