• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I feel like people need an education about the difference between spirit of the law and letter of the law.

    This comment reads like this:

    “I posted some truly heinous shit and a mod/admin removed it but I didn’t break any written rules therefore my right to force other people to be subjected to my desires was impinged upon😭😭😭😭.”

  • A question to consider seriously: name a company that has a full OS that supports modern tooling/development environments with consistent graphical fidelity across a wide range of hardware that a manufacturer can pay to maintain the host OS, provides guarantees to OS LTS/security patching and has a proven track record in deploying, supporting and delivering kiosk support.

    The only serious answer is Microsoft, and maybe Canonical… But Canonical hasn’t been around for as long as most of these kiosks have.

    There are a couple of huge blockers for manufacturers looking at companies that provide Linux support:

    1. Industry track record. Red Hat, Canonical, Google and Oracle are basically the only large scale players in the enterprise Linux support. Red Hat basically only provides support for server/backend infrastructure. Has Google had anything other than Gmail and maps last for more than five years? So that leaves us with Canonical. What’s the longest release Canonical has? 4 years now? Microsoft has 15 year support contracts. The only other player in the market that even comes close is Oracle (Oracle still supports Java 1.4 for example: 22years)

    2. Consistent graphical performance: until the last 5 years graphical fidelity on Linux has been a shit show. A decade ago, getting even the largest players to support Linux was a huge undertaking. Basically the only consistent graphics support was the result of android and that is basically only mediatek.

    3. Development environments. Windows wins this hands down without even a question. Go back 15-20 years and it’s even more obviously in Microsoft’s favor. NET gui apps are brain dead easy to make, super consistent and stupid easy to maintain. This drastically decreases development time and cost allowing companies to pay for the crazy expensive support contracts.

    The numbers these companies deal with isn’t thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s tens or hundreds of millions. There is no way in hell a manufacturer is going to give an untested bespoke Linux distro maintainer 25 million to keep that Linux distro running for the next 10-20 years. There isn’t a feasible way for a small company to even support at that price for that length of time.

    Oracle and RedHat are the only truly feasible options, and it costs more to develop GUI apps on either platform when there isn’t a 20 year track record of known success. It’s obvious why companies pick Microsoft.

  • I think it’s important to remember that people aren’t becoming more LGBTQ+, it’s that previous generations were so oppressed that coming out was impossible.

    It’s common to see these kinds of graphs used in some twisted ways. People are being allowed to be themselves. We have a historical president for graphs like this with left handedness. Once we stopped murdering, beating or ostracizing people for being left-handed, we saw “huge spikes” of people being left-handed.

    Be yourself. Be loved. You aren’t alone.

  • Your logic is fundamentally flawed. In several ways. I see several people arguing with you ineffectively because they assume you are arguing in good faith or have a coherent position… Neither of which I am convinced you possess.

    In the US (and most of the world) it is a fundamental right of bodily autonomy that any individual is not subjected to any forced medical situation in the support of another person’s life, regardless of that person’s age, gender or relationship with the other person. Even if we agreed on when personhood happens (I assume we disagree on it) at no point must one person give up their bodily rights for another. If you provide a special case for pregnancy then we are in a discussion of if your inconsistent belief structure is valid.

  • Self documenting code is infinitely more valuable than comments because then code spreads with it’s use, whereas the comments stay behind.

    I got roasted at my company when I first joined because my naming conventions are a little extra. That lasted for about 2 months before people started to see the difference in legibility as the code started to change.

    One of the things I tell my juniors is, “this isn’t the 80s. There isn’t an 80 character line limit. The computer doesn’t benefit from your short variable names. I should be able to read most lines of code as a single non-compound sentence in English with only minor tweaks and the English sentence should be what is happening in most of those lines of code.”

  • How does everyone miss the part that hexbear is intending to build bots that mass vote and troll other instances and their communities by exploiting the way federation works?

    What the duck is wrong with people. They explicitly said they were building a bot network that couldn’t be blocked except through defederation… I feel like I’m taking crazy pills

    Don’t make bots to break other instances and destroy their communities. Problem solved. You won’t get banned or defederated.

    Edit: my source is the announcement post. Half of the linked comments for justification were about brigading and bots.

    Edit2: it looks like most of the hexbear comments about brigading and bot building were deleted or made private. I don’t have the energy to go through their modlog.