Hi everyone!
2025 is here, and I’m curious to hear your thoughts on Voyager for Lemmy.
- What features would you like to see added to Voyager in 2025?
- Are there any bugs or issues that are bothering you?
Hi everyone!
2025 is here, and I’m curious to hear your thoughts on Voyager for Lemmy.
That should already be there - in the header of the edit tag dialog for the user, tap the comment button. LMK if it isn’t working.
This is in the plans, just need to do it in a way that is apple/google store compliant
There is an issue for forward on github. Otherwise, for the post feed, hiding posts can be a good alternative if you scroll long distances.
If you have an example of something that doesn’t work in Voyager but does work in other clients, please let me know. I’m not aware of anything at the moment.
Neat - although it is not a native lemmy thing afaik.
The flair icons are just lemmy custom emoji. This is native and they should be displayed as a normal emoji size. this is already handled correctly in lemmy ui and tesseract, but voyager displays them at their full size instead of resizing them to 48x48 or 24x24,which can dominate the comments
Reading these flair from threativore and displaying them in the ui proper (i.e. Outside of a comment) is not native and I’m still looking for ui dev buy in 😅
OH yeah, I did make a tweak to that recently so emojis are smaller.
btw, I noticed that they are small on db0 instance but don’t look right on remote instances - e.g. https://vger.social/post/11849459
I think this is because the markdown needs the “emoji blah” class name - e.g.

(notice the “emoji facepalm” - prefix by word “emoji” make it small on remote instances I think)
Yes I know the markdown text denotes them as emoji, but lemmy by default doesn’t add “emoji” to all its custom emoji. Just the emoji shortname. I think the solution tesseract has is to display them at emoji size of they have “emoji” in that text, , or if it matches one of the custom emoji shortdodes. But I’m guessing the later in not possible in remote instances. Hmm, I can adjust my scripts to always add “emoji” there as well, but by default the lemmy ui doesn’t add it.
Edit Actually nevermind it seems it’s just tesseract not adding it. I’ll open and bug report for them
Mystery solved!
I think I’m missing something… I’m on 2.32.2, I don’t see a comment button
I can’t remember what it was, I’ll have to check when I see it, don’t remember the URL unfortunately.
Edit: Just came across one with files.catbox.moe from this post
You should see this:
but it only works if you tag from the comment itself. So you need to long press username (on the comment), edit, write tag.
Ahah! Thanks I’ll give that a try