Tankies are against the rules here, if you are a moderator, you are supposed to enforce the rules, not remove them.

  • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Since you chose to air this publicly, I’ll respond publicly. I’ve been removing your undemocratic “rule” addition for a few reasons.

    1. We are a democratic community and as such all rules are voted upon. When you agreed to live our values, I made this post to ratify our rules. The comment I KNOW you’re going to cite was posted a full week after the rules were ratified. It’s wholly undemocratic and against the values of our community to just decide your rule is an exception and add it without seeking consensus. Here’s a screenshot to jog your memory.

    2. The rules and posting expectations already ban the behaviors exhibited by people labelled tankies. This “rule” seems to be for your ego rather than any practical reason.

    3. “Mods have final say” is in regards to interpreting and enforcing the rules of our community. It does not excuse unilateral changes to the rules.

    4. As the only active mod, I can tell you with absolute certainty that tankies have not been a problem in this community. The lemmy instances people point to as being tanky are banned by LW and cannot interact with the community at all. The problem I’ve noticed are people denying the genocide of Palestinians.

    Edit: I don’t have any control in how you choose to handle issues in our community, I just react the way that seems most appropriate. That being said, I do want to find a solution here. I believe we should ban the behaviors of tankies, rather than leave it up to interpretation for what’s allowed. We have a few options here; I’d prefer we make a metapost on amending the rules to whether we should explicitly ban support for totalitarianism or ban tankie discourse.

    • qevlarr@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Maybe it helps if you make explicit that this is not a tankie space, they are not welcome, even if you understandably don’t want a rule specific to tankies. Every leftist subreddit has been taken over by tankie mods and I don’t want that to happen here

  • gmtom@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    You know its an authentic leftist sub when pretty much the only thing that happens is pointless melodramatic infighting

  • xor@infosec.pub
    8 months ago

    my opinion is tankies (mostly) aren’t real.
    they’re just shills and trolls acting in a particularly extremist way… the former, in order to make communists/socialists look bad.
    people don’t actually want a Stalin-style brutal dictatorship… but if they act like it, it validates all the anti-communist red-scare bullshit…
    they should be banned… all they ever do is talk shit to/about people…
    they’re fake af
    see also: h3xbear (misspelled to avoid the dogpile)

    • nickwitha_k (he/him)@lemmy.sdf.org
      8 months ago

      Tankies are absolutely real. I’ve met folks IRL who are pro-USSR-under-Stalin as a model for society. The excuse used is that capitalist countries have a very real history of violently suppressing any leftist government attempt. This, of course, ignores that such governments commit the exact same abuses and reinforce the very cycles of violence that they rebel against in the first place.

      That instance, in particular, is not a bunch of RWNJs cosplaying though. That’s an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary evidence and I think it is . With the size of the userbase, there would absolutely be at least someone caught bragging about it over the years. No. They’re just run by people who either don’t care about the toxic, divisive behavior, or actively encourage it (see: existence of the “dunktank” comm).

      As for being disingenuous, absolutely. Those in power there are definitely authoritarian first and Leftist second, if ever and they condone users creating conflict with fellow leftists to feed their dopamine-rush cravings. Dissent or providing historical information that comes anywhere close to implying that the USSR, China, or Russia are not free of any blame are met with bans - as bad as r/con on that now (I caught a ban for stating that historical evidence does not support the claim that Finland is being critical of Israel due to anti-semitism and that Stalin’s invasion of the sovereign nation that had historically been oppressed by Russia was both unnecessary and could have been predicted to push the Finns to seek help from the Nazis to maintain their independence - and things about the Winter War and Continuation War not being black-and-white, or that Stalin was happy to divide up the world between himself and Hitler until Operation Barbarosa did not go over well either). They were on much better behavior when first federating but I don’t but their Leftist-unity or use of Dialectics anymore (it is impossible to exercise Dialectic reasoning when embracing willful ignorance and suppressing anything that could be antithetical to one’s thesis).

      All that said, there are some good folks there that I’m sad to no longer be in communication with. People that, more often than not, I disagreed with but were great to converse with to explore the “why” of such disagreements and they did so with nothing but good faith. It is genuinely disappointing that there toxicity is allowed.

    • protist@mander.xyz
      8 months ago

      I live in a pretty big city that’s pretty liberal, and have never once met anyone who thinks like the typical poster on that instance. We did have someone who was spraypainting Stalinist statements in red across random buildings awhile back, but it turned out to be a woman who had encountered some mental health challenges.

      That instance is crazy as fuck…they’ll drop pro-Putin propaganda and then claim to not like him, and they’ll completely ignore how utterly capitalist China has become while singing Xi’s praises, all while screaming “death to America” and saying Iran is a better model for society than any European country.

    • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I just got banned from that place. I got into an argument about how even though Biden is a scumbag genocider, I think it’s morally correct to vote for him over the alternative. I got called a fascist, told I support genocide, told that if they knew me they would beat me and told that when the revolution comes I would be killed, and then they posted a emoji of a place were Nazis were slaughtered. When I tried being open and saying I was not in a headspace to change my mind right now, but that we are still comrades, I was then attacked even harder.

      They told me that i should consider why my fellow leftists were being so mean as a sign that I should change. I asked why they were being so mean, it’s just a small argument about voting. They said I was Nazi scum who deserves to die and if I was really a comrade I would change my mind immediately.

      I genuinely tried to talk to them still through all that. Albeit I was emotional. All I wanted was to end the conversation with a sort of show of solidarity despite our disagreements. I was then inundated with more threats and insults to my character.

      Honestly I’m new to lemmy and it looked to be a safe space for leftists like me. I know I shouldn’t let it effect me, it’s the Internet after all, people are dicks. But I just had so much more… Expectations of that place. I really thought it’d be different. Instead I was torn apart and banned. Now I’m emotionally compromised for the day and couldn’t sleep. Unfortunate.

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Don’t you guys have a way to talk to each other? I’m a mod in two communities. We talk on Discord privately to make decisions like this.