Forgot to add: walk up backwards to get the package. That way if someone takes a video it looks like they just reversed you DELIVERING the package.
Even better: Show up at an Amazon warehouse with a van. They’ll load it with gifts and send you on your way.
People already do this. Don’t encourage it.
Gonna get your ass beat
Lpt: follow vans that follow Amazon vans and beat the shit out of the porch pirate.
You can follow those 3 vans and steal one of them when the fight starts.
The real one is always in the comments
Yes but in exchange for $100s of dollars worth of loot
My strategy is to find an Amazon vehicle that has crashed. Odds are that packages end up on the road. Cha-ching!
“Dad, isn’t this stealing?” “Read your town charter, boy: ‘If foodstuff should touch the ground, said foodstuff shall be turned over to the village idiot.’ Since I don’t see him around, start shovelling!”
is this an american thing? I don’t even think its allowed to leave packages in front if the door, even inside an apartment building.
Here in America they just throw them near your door fron the sidewalk
Surely it’s allowed in some countries - where are you talking about?
E.g. in Germany it’s allowed if the user specified that it’s allowed.
ah yeah, I’m in Germany. I would never allow that, some people do it nonetheless, and once our package was stolen. you can’t prove this though, because they say they “delivered” it.
I haven’t had any issues in my house, but there’s only a few renters, so we trust each other. I also wouldn’t do it if I lived on a lower floor, too easy for any random person to take a package with them.
Maybe but how would you do that exactly? Just wait for delivery and then take it??? I dont think that would work
Why not?
Where I live it would be trivially easy.
Watch an Amazon driver pull into a development/complex, watch where he leaves packages and who doesn’t come to the door immediately, then wait till he drives away and go collect.
They slap Apple air tags or some kind of GPS tracker to the vans so they know what houses to check for things still sitting outside.
You’ll eventually get caught.
I caught someone at my stoop. I wasn’t but you have no idea who is carrying with home invasion shit.