People are talking about a double standard, but if I’m honest, I don’t really think it is. There’s a real double standard especially with respect to women’s upper bodies, and that bit tacked onto the end about a man from the Gold Coast is absolutely beyond the pale. But if there’s a rule against nudity, presumably there has to be a line somewhere where technically someone might be wearing clothes, but it’s not realistically enough to count?
Personally, I’d be fine with just allowing nudity and normalising it…at least at pools. That would take away all its power. But so long as we don’t live in that world, it seems reasonable to say that clothing so skinny it gets hidden by the bum cheeks is not within acceptable limits.
There seem to be some people trying to turn this into a US-style argument about women’s clothing in offices or at schools. But there’s a big difference between a bit of leg above the knee, or exposed shoulders, and the bum crack, I feel. It’s equally inappropriate (or appropriate) for men and for women.
But I will just quickly add…though I haven’t been to any of the pools in question, I do think this is almost certainly making a mountain out of a molehill. It probably just didn’t need to be said.
Man, back in the 50s or whatever, going to the pool nude was just the norm. Why can’t we just swim in the nude if we want?
Was it? Any pool pics from that day that I can see has people looking like there wearing a burkha
Hmm, I was partially correct, nude swimming for MEN was common until ~1970, and was rare for women. Bearing in mind this is data for seppos.
That’s USA only, do you have a source for Australia?
Yeah that’s why I mentioned it’s data for seppos only. In a quick search, I found a newspaper article from 1927 suggesting outrage at nude swimming, although it seems to be in a mixed gender pool.
If this is what the council are spending their time on , I’m sure all the issues of the Blue Mountains are solved!
Everyone should focus on one thing
Agreed if your bottoms could work as a functional eyepatch they aren’t appropriate for public beaches.
Personally, I’d be fine with just allowing nudity and normalising it…at least at pools. That would take away all its power.
You think if all the women in the pool are naked that boobs will no longer have any appeal? This is complete nonsense.
I definitely get the sense that Germans are a lot less prudish than anglophones are, and they don’t even have nudity allowed at all pools…just at a few relatively-easily-accessible public spaces.
It’s not about “no longer having any appeal”, it’s about taking away the shock value.
I’ve been to clothing optional festivals and for the first day you look, then afterwards it just becomes the norm and you barely even notice.
they allow speedos (us slang for man’s bikini bottom / banana hammock)? then anything should be available for women.
speedos (us slang for man’s bikini bottom
Both of those are allowed, what’s not allowed is gstrings which is for both of the genders
“Thongs and G-string swimwear is not acceptable for males or females when visiting our leisure centres."
It sounds like they allow (and prohibit) Speedos and women’s bikini bottoms of similar cuts, ie, briefs but not thongs.
The rule states “males and females”.
Do people even wear thongs and g-strings to the pool?
Even if it didn’t start as a thong, if the material is worn or your doing breast stroke/frog kick, its gonna end up that way.
If you can see someone’s butthole in the pool, you are way too close. Just be thankful that its a clean butthole :D
It all changes over time. What was considered revealing in the 1900s is regarded as ridiculous.
And fashions in swimwear change. High cut, low cut, cover this a bit more, show a bit more of that…
You know how to fix it? Just stop being a perve. Nobody is forcing you to look at anything.
Sure but the elected council is majority women
Pervy jealous judges of others?
They don’t need to look either.
Oh no, a human body!
If they need someone to closely inspect the swimsuits to see if they’re appropriate, I could help out.
Not appropriate
It’s a bit ridiculous. If you don’t like what someone is wearing, don’t look. There’s nothing disgusting about the human body.
That’s fine, but do you realise the above comment made you look like a perve?
Every exhibitionist needs a voyeur
Yes fully aware of that. That’s what I was going for. Are you suggesting there’s something wrong with being a perv? People who don’t enjoy their bodies being seen don’t wear g strings to public pools.
Go back to jerking off on roblox
Last time I went to the pool with the family, my sister was wearing one of those g-string style bottoms. I fully support this ban.
No one wants to see your asshole at the pool. If that’s too much for you to handle just stay home
If you don’t want to see other people’s bodies, don’t look. Or go to a private pool.
I predict that the moment men start showing up wearing thongs, nobody will have a problem with this rule.
i think the opposite, if men start showing up in mankini’s with a ball or dick popping out every now and then will result in the quickest ban in history
Borat punched a hole in that one years ago
a once off promotional event which was done expressly for absurdity sake vs thousands of men genuinely wearing it as a swimsuit every week I think would get a different reaction
if your reaction to tony abbott was bad i don’t even want to think what the reaction would be like if women went down to the beach and saw hundreds of men in mankinis
You mean g strings as thongs in Australian english are what Americans call flip-flops.
You are correct.
Butt floss, as it were.
Nobody wants to see your chocolate starfish trying to hide behind some butt floss. So I’m going to go with “no”.
I mean I saw wayy more than I ever wanted to of tony abbott but that passed without fucking comment
but that passed without fucking comment
you gotta be kidding me?
you say it like nobody cared about tony abbott when it was the opposite, it was a huge raygun style meme at the time, it was an australia wide ‘please don’t’ and lasted for years and as you have kindly pointed out, still being brought up to this day
oMG DouBLe StAnDarDs
Yeah he got sporked - but was anyone bringing in bylaws to prevent men wearing them?
oMg pOlItIcIaN FuNnY SaMe aS OuTrIgHt bAn!
Yeah he got sporked
you say that like if 20 million people body shamed julia gillard it wouldn’t be the guardians top story of the year, biggest outrage and constantly reinforced under every article about sexism and double standards since then
was anyone bringing in bylaws to prevent men wearing them?
I duno, was there any demand for one? Is a shirtless guy wearing underwear equivalent to young girls running around near nude?
I duno why i’m even here, i never even go on the beach
edit: it looks like they are both banned anyway
“Thongs and G-string swimwear is not acceptable for males or females when visiting our leisure centres."
Australia had a long history of policing women’s bodies
Blue Mountains Leisure Centres is saying that men can’t wear them either?? How did this go from men and women can’t wear this to just women are impacted?
deleted by creator
But Speedos are fine, right? Because men?
From the sounds of it, typical bikini briefs are allowed, only g-strings are not. Of the styles shown in this image from Wikipedia, only the one labelled “thong” would be banned, I think. Men’s speedos are usually most similar to the one labelled “bikini”.
God forbid you have a fat ass and your bikini rides up
So didn’t read and just opened up your mouth. 👍 Perfection.
Of course I read the article. But the article adds nothing to the confusion around what is and isn’t too revealing.
Where in that line? Who makes that call? Why is this even an issue? I’m saying a pair of speedos is more revealing than a bikini, but they’re fine.
There have been several occasions where governments have tried to dictate specifically to women about what they can wear while swimming in public. This reads like more of the same. Nobody complains about what men wear in public, only and always women.
The arguments always seem to come from people who are sexualising women, usually men ‘who don’t feel comfortable’. That’s a you problem, mate. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else.
When every fucking little thing is a transgression on your rights nothing is.