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How to store digital files for posterity? (hundreds of years)

How to store digital files for posterity? (hundreds of years)

I have some family videos and audios and I want to physically save them for posterity so that it lasts for periods like 200 years and more. This allows great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren to have access.

From the research I did, I found that the longest-lasting way to physically store digital content is through CD-R gold discs, but it may only last 100 years. From what I researched, the average lifespan of HDs and SSDs is no more than 10 years.

I came to the conclusion that the only way to ensure that the files really pass from generation to generation is to record them on CDs and distribute them to the family, asking them to make copies from time to time.

It’s crazy to think that if there were suddenly a mass extinction of the human species, intelligent beings arriving on Earth in 1000 years would probably not be able to access our digital content. While cave paintings would probably remain in the same place.

What is your opinion?

    3 months ago

    Microfilm Is basically the only method that will work until the end of this planet when stored properly. Governments usually store important data on microfilm in deep bunkers.

    Btw, a HDD technically can last forever as the stuff is physically written into the plate. The problem is accessing the data.

    Magnetic tape drives are also a idea, they are slow and all but basically indestructible, same goes for the reader. You “just” need to make shure you have a adapter XD

    And no, CDs are not the longest lasting. If you want to store shound forever, vinyls are your friend.

    Digital storage is hard to preserve, make stuff physical if you want to have ot in many years.