It’s necessary for my very important hobby of generating anime nudes.

      4 months ago

      I notice lately that many memes origins are worse than I thought from the context they are used in. Racist, homophobic, and lying people are not something I usually accept as entertainment, but they sneak their way unnoticed into my (non-news) feed through memes. I guess most people won’t know the origins of the meme and use it according to the meaning they formed on their own. Other memes like the distracted boyfriend meme are meaningless stock photos, so I understand why many people use memes without thinking about the origins.

      Anyway, thanks for pointing out who the person in the picture actually is.

    4 months ago

    Oh please. There are better templates than this stupid Nazi cunt. I really don’t want to see this fuckface.

      4 months ago

      I’m tired of people taking sides like companies give a shit about us. I wouldn’t be surprised to see five comments saying something like “you shouldn’t buy Nvidia AMD is open source” or “you should sell your card and get an amd card.”

      I’d say whatever you have is fine, it’s better for the environment if you keep it for longer anyway. There are soo many people who parrot things without giving much though to an individuals situation or the complexity of a company’s behavior. Every companies job is to maximize profit while minimizing loss.

      Basically if everyone blindly chose AMD over Nvidia the roles would flip and AMD would start doing the things Nvidia is doing to maintain dominance, increase profit, reduce cost and Nvidia would start trying to gain more market share from AMD by opening up, becoming more consumer friendly, competitively priced

      For individuals, selling your old card and buying a new AMD card for the same price will net you with a slower card in general or if you go used there is a good chance it doesn’t work properly and the buyer ghosts you. I should know, I tried to get a used AMD card and it died every time I ran a GPU intensive game.

      I also went the other way upgrading my mother’s Nvidia card with a new AMD card that was three times as expensive as her Nvidia card ($50) would be on eBay and it runs a bit slower than her Nvidia card did. She was happy about the upgrade though because I used that Nvidia card in her movie server resulting in better live video transcoding than a cheap AMD card would.