You can chose two. Any two, but only two.
Sleep and buy food, those are my picks.
You chose… Wisely.
Sleep is like that one kid nobody picks at kickball for me
You’re gonna run out of space to store all that food if all you’re doing is buying it and no time to eat!
I just plan to spread all the food around my bed and hope that I learn to sleep eat.
Nah, just down the raw ingredients speed eater style.
I wanted to walk 10,000 steps and hoover but I forgot to work and now I can’t afford to live in an apartment…
Meditate and Work, and read Paul Graham essays, invest in crypto, and find untapped markets in your local culture that you can corner and serve up to your betters so that you can rise up the social ladder.
I think we should get better at budgeting our work time.
It may sound daunting at first but when you want to work eight hours, first think : “can I afford this eight hours of work? Shouldn’t I rather be playing Monster Hunter?” and take good habits from there.
Maybe in the beginning try working 5 or 6 hours. Don’t rush it, but keep your determination.
You’ll slowly begin to perceive more opportunities as you grow in focus : “Instead of working another hour for my boss, I’ll write my own TTRPG setting or hit that solo queue”.
It’s hard at first but others made it. Why wouldn’t you?
Why are people responding to your post like it’s serious? It couldn’t be more obvious satire if it had a blinking neon sign that said ‘THIS IS SATIRE’ next to it. Sometimes satire needs the ‘/s’, but not when it is super obvious like this.
It is satire, but we wish it wasn’t and are reacting as such.
One must consider that irony is lost in text, I do suggest a THIS IS SATIRE indeed. Remember we are at the internet and X exists so, you can find the wildest shit my man
Nice jab at toxic positivity.
Indeed, this was supposed to be satire, like you know, the opposite of “budget better” corporate initiative.
Unless you’re pretty advanced in your field, it can be pretty difficult to find a job that is willing to give you work hours on your terms like that.
The privilege you have that allows to think we already have control over punching the clock.
That’s great go do that, what are the hourly workers going to when a reduction to 6 hours is a 25% pay cut on a wage that is about half a century behind inflation… That was before covid and the astronimical rise in cost of living recently
There’s people, a fucking ton of people, because of incredibly shitty wages, that cant buy a dozen eggs without needing to work 2 hours that same reduction you just spoke of is how much they have to work just to afford that
P. S. : The sarcasm was a distant reference to this and other kinds of resembling discourse floating around today.
Mark it next time, the sarcasm was not at all obvious
Write your own TTRPG did not give it away?
Why would it? I’ve written ttrpg settings for my groups as part of running a game
With all the ridiculousness actively going on right now and some of the most outlandish things people genuinely believe, satire and sarcasm are nearly impossible to distinguish. Real life is too weird now for anything to be unbelievable.
Fair, but I thought it was a given on Lemmy.
Look egg Is on my face.
I misunderstood. But you can’t just assume sarcasm through text. It’s often easy enough to miss irl
And many people are somewhere in the spectrum so it’s just a really bad idea to assume your audience is in on the joke. I might be one of them if this was really that obviously sarcastic to the average person
You didn’t say anything that was outlandish or completely ridiculous.
Makes sense, indeed.
I wish I could, fam, I wish I could.
But in the meantime, I can write sarcastic posts for my Lemmy pals during my commute to my 8 hours of work for my boss.
Something has to give. It’s not possible to do everything every day.
Got it. Showering and washing is just for weekends.
For me that’s sleep. Learn to only sleep a couple hours a night during the work week and you’ll get tons of your time back. You’ll also always feel like crap and fall asleep at your desk when it’s slow. Insomnia is great!
Its even better when you work >10 hour days so sometimes it genuinely is deciding between sleeping and eating when you get home.
I miss working 4 10s and always having 3 days off Now I often work overtime due to being on call or just understaffed. I’m still expected to be at the office 5 days a week. I know what you mean though. I do all the cooking in my house and have the longest hours. That means we often eat out or eat junk food instead of a proper meal.
I commute to work on foot while meditating.
Buy food on the walk home, and cook it while I socialize with my hoover.
I eat in the shower with my clothes on to avoid laundry, and I get 8 hours of sleep at work.That way I can squeeze 2 full time jobs into one day and don’t need a car, so I can afford to pay rent.
Wrong: medidate with your hoover for added oneness, socialize with your food so that you can dominate the conversation as you devour it, and do your 10,000 steps at work on your boss’s face.
What’s it like in 2030?
Dermatologists have confirmed many, many times that a daily shower is unnecessary for healthy skin. Hair experts also don’t recommend a daily shampoo for most people.
That said… it can be hard to tell when you stink (olfactory saturation / incrementalism)… so I don’t actually have a shower schedule recommendation.
No, you misread. They said shower once. Total. Not per day.
This person thinks
But doesn’t shower.
They have no shower thoughts. A sad life.
This person stinks
I wish I could not shower everyday. I barely sweat at all so you’d think I could, but instead my skin and hair get so oily, that I have to take a medication for it. If I don’t take it, the oil builds up on my skin and makes my eyes sting. Sometimes even just after a few hours. :(
But I am careful to not use products in the shower that would strip my hair and skin completely.
Ahh stinging eyes from face grease, how I hate you and having acne at nearly 40.
I always think it’s from my haair initially too. Hey I’ll put my hair up and won’t have to worry about it! ow ow ow ow ow eyes ow, wash face. Ahhhhhh.
Still don’t shower daily. Once every 2-3 days is good for me. 4 if I’m lazy.
Use antiperspirant correctly and if you have a sedentary lifestyle, it’s an easy game unless you giant, fat, and sweaty. Usually have to be combo of 2 unless your parents rolled the genetic snake eyes and you get scumbag genetics.
Neat, same thing happens to me but didn’t know there was a treatment available! What medication is it?
Spironolactone. Talk to your dermatologist. It’s mainly prescribed for hypertension, but it works really well for this too. It’s the first treatment I was prescribed that really helped. It’s also used to treat baldness.
Check the side effects though. It isn’t often prescribed to men because it could cause undesirable side effects such as lowering testosterone and increasing breast tissue growth.
You can also wash yourself outside the shower to freshen up. Saves water and is good for your skin.
The joys of living alone… I can live like a raccoon at a trash dump without anyone to judge.
My self-expectations go waaaaaay up as soon as someone is planning to visit/stayover. Laundry once every 3 weeks vs. twice a week, vacuum once a week versus every other day, wash up once or twice a week (by hand) vs. 3 times a day, throw out trash and recycling as infrequently as twice monthly (I do not produce that much waste at home) vs. every day (because of getting takeout more often). I do shower daily, before anyone accuses me of being filthy around other people.
I don’t even shower every day.
Adam Ruins Everything did a whole episode on needing to shower everyday
Right? Who tf has time for that? And every single day? I’m already exhausted as it is I don’t want to waist time doing something I hate and drains me more energy.
Showering gets me awake, mostly on work days.
Same here. Oh god, if I were to shower every day, my hair and skin would become super dry and it would start itching. And then after a while, my body would adapt by producing more oily stuff, which would force me to keep showering every day.
Right now I wash my hair only once or twice a week (depending) and it doesn’t get greasy at all.
And before anyone says anything: DISCLAIMER: my showering habits obviously change with the seasons. Even though I don’t sweat much, in summer I would feel nasty if I don’t at least jump under the shower quickly twice a day or something (but just water, no products!).
Yeah gone for me are the days of daily showering and washing hair. Once or twice a week hair and shower about 3 times a week.
You can do all that? I don’t do that in a year? And I don’t gaf is someone is visiting, if they start to complain the house is messy I tell them to feel free and start doing chores themselves.
How do you wear an amount of clothes in the span of 3-4 days to fill a washing machine?
Sweaters (for Canadian winters), work shirts and pants separate from regular shirts and pants, and PJs. In the normal schedule it piles up in the corner for up to three weeks then I do 3 or 4 loads in one session. If someone’s coming I keep it in a bin but it fills up too quickly and is unsightly to me. In summer I can do it less since I wear fewer layers.
Let’s see. Earn a living, take care of yourself, take care of your household, and add in taking care of other people. That is only like four full time jobs.
I’m starting to understand all the poly relationships I’m seeing.
This is because domestic labor, which allows for social reproduction, is unvalued and not compensated.
Rich people do in fact pay people to do that stuff. Really one salary needs to be able to support two people, or this society thing just doesn’t work.
An alternative is to compensate people for domestic labor performed in their own homes.
Free housing, free food, and a monthly allowance covers that, doesn’t it?
I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you mean the housing, food and allowance provided by the breadwinner to the homemaker.
Theres a couple of problems with that. Number one, how tf do you both cut half the jobs and raise the wage by enough to double its present value? You’d have to be able to actually get rid of half the labor base and not have employers gobble up the money saved as profits.
Number two, how do you avoid the very real class distinctions involved in that arrangement in the past? To put a finer point on it, full time housewife was a descriptor reserved for the upper middle classes and above only.
Not least, but definitely third: how do you avoid, in a racist and misogynistic society, allowing labor and its benefits to become gendered and racialized?
What you said might seem like a fair trade for a specific breadwinner and homemaker pair (at a specific time, things change!), but it’s not a fix for a social problem.
A loving family distributing workload, responsibility, resources, and money is apparently anathema to you.
How is race even relevant here?
I promise you it’s not. Even in what I’m assuming is an idealized one income nuclear family that you’re alluding to, directly compensating the homemaker for the work required to reproduce that structure just gives the household more resources to distribute.
It also legitimizes the work of reproducing the socially necessary family structure without excluding homemakers from conversations of policy regarding workers rights.
Everyone wins.
I don’t think it’s very smart to exclude race from discussion of domestic labor in the western world especially America.
A loving family distributing workload, responsibility, resources, and money is apparently anathema to you.
How is race even relevant here?
I don’t know man, you figure it out.
Okay, directly compensate people for their domestic labor.
If that’s a bridge too far or if concerns over efficiency come up, provide community services to make that labor easier and cheaper for everyone.
I think you could potentially package that as UBI.
But the idea of a person dedicating their life to domestic labour is becoming rare. Partly because of changing social mores but also it’s difficult to support more than one person on one person’s wage. I have a pretty good income but if someone else lived with me full time not contributing monetarily we’d have to be fairly frugal. But it could allow me to focus on furthering my career and making more money.
An alternative to simply paying people to maintain their own households is providing for collective housekeeping services that will do some of the work of housekeeping for people. There are examples of neighborhood laundries, grocery delivery, food preparation and distribution, lawn and handyman services and other stuff in the past.
Now add to that
- dripping and picking up the kids from school
- dressing them up for school
- cooking dinner for them and coaching after them
- giving them a bath
- putting them to need and reading them a story
How is that even possible? No wonder that people are having less kids
My partner had twins 15 months ago. It’s been an epic couple of years.
Dripping kids from school
That’s so illegal
Also handling 2 hour meltdown because you put the wrong thing in their lunchbox.
The trick is to not actually work for 8hrs, easier said than done of course, but if you find yourself in that position then take full advantage of it. They won’t bat an eye to replace you, so don’t bat an eye to do your own thing where possible.
WFH has been a life saver honestly. I make sure to get everything that needs to be done for work done, but now if I finish my daily work or on my lunch I can do dishes, prep dinner, start the laundry. this is time that in office would spent “around the water cooler” or just wasting time. I normally get more work done when I’m at home than in the office tbh.
Yes same! I go to the gym before lunch, I can put laundry on that will finish after work, I can start dinner and leave on a slow cook… I can take deliveries, go to appointments, see my kids after school… Massive quality of life improvements for working at home.
I also appreciate being able to deal with my body when it isn’t up for being out in smart clothes… Sometimes my body needs loose clothing and easy farts!
As a parent of 2, I wish my daily routine was this simple!
We keep asking why the average individuals mental health is on the decline and this is a big part of it.
Some of us have been doing this since we were children, replacing work with school. The only way you can manage all of this is by multitasking everywhere possible. You only socialize while at work or school, and all the while you’re probably either working on something or you’re on your phone. You clean and tidy at the same time as you cook. You speedrun your showers, a time that should be somewhat relaxing.
Even assuming you do actually get those full precious 8 hours of sleep, your brain isn’t going to be rested enough.
Don’t get old. It’s worse.
Don’t forget about your 30 minutes+ of being relaxed and mindful
I mean meditate was on there.
Nothing more relaxing and stress-free than your allotted daily 30-minute break.
Even my sims couldn’t keep up