Really annoying!

          1 month ago

          Kinda. But this “comment” system is more set up to encourage replying to others rather than the original subject.

          That would be an easy fix though.

          I feel like we can’t use services anymore at all. We need protocols and clients to connect to each other using those protocols and stop using centralized anything at all.

          99% of what I’ve done in discord is a private server with like 5 or 6 regulars just to use voice coms in game.

          But we already had that with TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, and Mumble. The UIs were fucking ugly as dog shit, but they worked.

          Discord just came along and and combined a global (to a set of members) chat room and a voice service, where before those were separate.

          Now if something is “just” a website then no one under like 25 will be able to hear of it, much less figure out how to use it. They need apps to be able to communicate.

          The problem is that bigger services obviously have a problem of scale with that setup, so they start simple and get a bigger audience, then start the spying with some tiny change no one will check patch notes for.

          These days we’re all guilty of that.

          Capitalism is again the bad guy here. Monetizing everyone’s actions and identities is the particular issue. No one would feel a need to do this if it didn’t lead to more profits. I’ll bet there are a bunch of companies that started off good and fell to the dark side when they couldn’t control their monetary appetite. (Or when younger employees took on promoted positions and saw opportunity- all they had to do was (cough cough) stop not being evil (cough cough)).