I’m officially the flashlight guy of the family, according to this present 😭
#flashlight @flashlight
Not enough flashlights, also need some on your crocs 😅
It’s very much “the gift we want to be the viral gift this year”. I searched on Amazon for flashlights this year, and the first three pages were all variations on this thing. And the croc flashlights are proof that we live in hell.
I don’t even know when you would need this?
Anytime you need to use your hands but still need to see what you’re doing. I can think of dozens of times I’ve needed a light to work on something with both hands in a badly lit area but didn’t have someone to hold the flashlight.
That said, I’d probably want the battery pack somewhere else because I could see that being an issue hooking on things, especially in tight spots.
I totally see it but I feel like the same spaces where you need more light to see your hands and can’t use a light are those where you can’t fit extra stuff in with your fingers, if you get my thought.
Ya, that’s why the battery pack placement isn’t ideal in my opinion. I can’t even count how many times I’ve busted a watch band because it hooked on something. Mind you I have bigger hands, maybe it works out better for those who don’t.
Wouldn’t a headlight do the trick?