Boosting my own toot 🤞
I’d love to help but don’t think my expertise is there, I specialise in Quality Assurance in software development.
Great initiative, best of luck!
I don’t know. To start a co-op business we will certainly need diverse skills. At this stage we are just talking, so please stay in the loop if you want to.
I don’t have mastodon (and no real interest in using it), any way to stay in the loop?
I think masto servers get RSS feeds for free. You may be able to follow some users or tags like that
Good question. IDK. I guess the public discussion is happening in parallel on Mastodon and here in this thread. Once we get the thing going we will think about some channels to communicate.
You guys could consider Matrix, probably more suited for instant messaging:
I work in this field and am interested.
Awesome! Next week I’ll be organizing a brainstorming session. Will keep you posted.
Could you develop your proposal?
At the moment it’s just an idea and a call for like-minded people to gather. We are hopefully going to develop it together.
It’s not just an idea, it is a huge idea. In order to provide service you need at least a CPD placed in each continent and a medium sized SRE team. And that’s the beginning.
As a goal it is interesting but it needs a lot of resources.
I do software, systems, storage and data protection. I am interested.
Then you are my kind of person ❤️
This sounds awesome! I work in a small IT firm in Europe and a lot of what we offer our customers is a way to host on local hardware and get away from the American cloud.
I don’t think I’ll be leaving my current job, but you go!
Nice work! Maybe we can partner somehow. Let me first get the team together. Once we decide on a business model we will sure look for partners.
It’s a great idea. I work in an IT company and I think it’s a shame that we only use American products. I’m afraid I don’t have any skills to contribute to the project, but I’m interested in following the discussions!
Thanks! Of course you are welcome to just follow, but please remember that we will need all kinds of talent. You might be able to bring something we need to the table.
Where can I follow this topic? On Mastodon?
Or here in this topic. The discussions are happening kind of in parallel 🤷 I don’t really have any communication strategy.
I’m an aspiring patent lawyer but not trained in IT (although I learned coding just enough to understand some principles). Should you need any help regarding intellectual property rights, feel free to ask me anything. I’ll do my best to help, as I support your cause! However, I won’t be of much help otherwise as I’m currently learning for exams and have to small kids at home.
Thanks for reaching out. Good luck with your exams!
Yes, please loop me in, I’d like to help with all I can, I can’t code for shit, but can business problem solve all day long.
You are officially looped in ;-) I’ll be in touch next week.
Interesting read at I’ll be curious to hear your story.
Im a CS Student in my masters, backgrounds in web development, data science and HCI research! I’d love to talk.
Great to hear from you! I’ll reach out to you next week to talk.
Hey ! Sounds really great. I am working in IT and I would love to participate also.
What kind of skills are you looking for ?
I’m glad to hear you like it. I guess the most important is a bit of entrepreneurship and good team work. Certainly technical skills like yours, but also marketing, sales, client relations and probably more that I can’t think of yet. We will need to figure this out together. Of course not everyone has to have every skill. We will need diverse people who can support each other.
Nice to hear. If you can loop me in it would be great.
I will certainly loop you in. My plan is to contact each of you next week and then organize some meeting and brainstorming. Just need to gather my thoughts and maybe give some more time for people to respond.
Yes! As long as you can migrate me along with the software.
From the land of the brave and the home of the free? Sorry, I wish I could. Stay strong!
Hi. I got the idea to make a smartphone application to scan bardodes in supermarkets, to quickly check if a product is related to the US. I know it’s not very difficult to make an android app that scans barcodes, (I did a proto). You just need to connect it to an open database of EAN barcodes. I am a phD student. I have very little time. I’m just giving away the idea.
Hello, I’m up for this! I work in IT and infosec. I think we might need a chat to coordinate this
Yes, I will be reaching out to people who are interested (like you) next week.
I work with Open Source, Privacy (GDPR etc.) and cyber- and informationsecurity. Im in.
Great to hear that! I’ll contact you next week.
I make a great pizza, I could run the lunch cafe.