alex [they, il]

  • 27 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • I don’t know about the author, but I’m on Linux and Android and the apps I see on Notion Calendar are for Windows and Mac for desktop and for iOS on phone.

    I’ve tried the web client a bit when it came out but it just didn’t really click for me (as in, I didn’t see how it would be better than any email client that has an integrated calendar). Also, calendar web clients just don’t answer the issue, in my opinion. And regular Notion is slow and clunky in my experience, so I haven’t given them the benefit of the doubt on the Calendar part of their tooling. :)

  • They correspond to the larger eras in French economy.

    • Industrial revolution
    • Entre-deux-guerres, a period of strong urbanization and a huge push towards social housing. I suppose they included WW2 cause nothing was built there anyway.
    • 1946 to 1970 is “les trente glorieuses”, the time of rebuilding everything, which means everyone had a job and could afford a house or apartment.
    • The oil crash in 1973 ushered in a more modern era, usually more left-wing after May 68 and with the election of Mitterrand in 1982.
    • The 1990 one is around when we elected a right-wing president and the public policies vastly changed.
    • 2005-2006 was starting to get tough because of oil again, I believe. It is also around the beginning of the US subprime crisis, of which the consequences affected us all too.

  • I used to eat out almost every night and it cost me nearly as much as my rent.

    Since then, I learned some cooking, some 10-min stuff, and did a lot of personal work on emotional eating. I really tried to treat it like an addiction, learning alternatives but also, recently I moved to a less urban area where I’d have to walk 10-15mins to get decent food, when I used to have an all you can eat sushi place on my street. That helped more than anything else!

    Finally, I gave myself a couple of special things: given how much I was spending on restaurants I never hesitate to spend a lot on cookware or ingredients, and when my partner comes over we often choose a cool recipe to try out, in order to prove to myself that food can be really great even if it’s not made by someone else.

    Now I go out for dinner only if I’m with someone, and I make sure it’s always a special occasion (including a date with my partner, it doesn’t have to be super special, just not “I don’t feel like cooking”). It’s still very hard not to go out when I’m having a tough day but I’ve never done so well :)