To what extent will these changes, and potential future changes along the same trajectory, affect the use of un-substitutable apps on Graphene OS?
The transition to the new verdicts will reduce the device signals that need to be collected and evaluated on Google servers by ~90% and our testing indicates verdict latency can improve by up to ~80%.
the huge ratio of reduction suggests to me that the attestation is being offloaded from Google servers to on-device AI, but maybe i assume wrong. my instinct tells me Google would always make this impossible for 3rd party OS to implement anyway.
Hypothetically, If implementing that AI in Graphene could allow most attestation-requiring apps to install and run normally, is that something the Graphene devs would do? i know it would have to be secure and private, so assuming there was a way…
I’m not pro AI, not the surveillance big data capitalism kind at least. just wondering about the scenarios and what prep or extra work i would have to do.