Kagi, the company behind a paid, private search engine1 of the same name, has announced it's bringing its Webkit-based Orion web browser to Linux. In a
Probably because they’re building their own engine from scratch. Many of the popular browsers these days are built on Chromium or Webkit. The only “big” alternative these days is Gecko, which is what Firefox uses.
This matters because Chromium based browsers make up the vast majority of usage and Google has been using Chromium to drive web standards in the direction they think they should go.
Tbh Ladybird is way more interesting. This is just another Webkit based Browser
Edit: wow the dev sucks
Interesting because of the pronoun drama or for some other reason?
Probably because they’re building their own engine from scratch. Many of the popular browsers these days are built on Chromium or Webkit. The only “big” alternative these days is Gecko, which is what Firefox uses.
This matters because Chromium based browsers make up the vast majority of usage and Google has been using Chromium to drive web standards in the direction they think they should go.
Wikipedia has an overview, but doesn’t really cover Chromium’s market capture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_browser_engines
Tbh way more than that, good link above
While the software is exciting, I’m not exactly keen due to the controversy
I don’t keep up on browser drama. What’s the controversy?