I understood those had been folded in to other ministries. It’s a lose-lose situation. He had to show he’s different from JT. And it’s a temporary cabinet as we’re going into an election anyway.
He had to show he’s different from JT
Therefore cut the ministry of labour??
And it’s a temporary cabinet as we’re going into an election anyway.
So why make any changes whatsoever, if they’re not intended to be long term?
It’s not cut FFS. It’s been folded in to another ministry temporarily. We’re going into an election imminently. This is a very temporary cabinet. When the next election results are known there will be another new cabinet and new ministers again.
It’s not cut FFS
I’m using the language of both the post, and the article itself. Both say that the ministries have been cut.
It’s been folded in to another ministry temporarily
Where do you see this? Nowhere in the article could I find this.
This is a very temporary cabinet.
So why make any changes to the structures at all?
When the next election results are known there will be another new cabinet and new ministers again.
How do you know this? Why do a sample run of changing cabinet, when this has real impacts?
The Ministry of Labour still exists - it is in the portfolio of the Minister of Jobs and Families which is responsible for Employment and Social Development Canada: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Employment_and_Social_Development_Canada
Carney had to make some changes to demonstrate he’s not JT. But also Carney reduced the size of cabinet for a more wartime stance given the tarriff war we’re in. Also to perform austerity (less ministers to pay extra) while not actually doing austerity (they are responsible for more). All of this knowing we will likely be going into an election very soon. Each time there’s a federal election new cabinet ministers are named. They change up cabinet minsters every so often as well. Whether there’s an election or not. It’s nothing new or unusual.
Carney had to make some changes to demonstrate he’s not JT
Yes, I can get the sense for this, so I agree.
reduced the size of cabinet for a more wartime stance given the tarriff war we’re in. Also to perform austerity (less ministers to pay extra) while not actually doing austerity (they are responsible for more)
That’s actually pretty smart. The PMO should broadcast this point more.
wind picking up
distant thunder
deleted by creator
Carney and the Liberals are far from being fascist. He’s what could be considered centre-right, before American politics completely destroyed people’s understanding of the political spectrum.
He has socially centre-left beliefs while being somewhat mildly fiscally conservative. That’s a type of politician Canada has not had in years and part of why he has been so popular lately, especially with moderate conservatives who have felt unrepresented.
Also this is not surprising if you remember who he is replacing. He knows has to distance himself from Trudeau’s government or he is going to lose.
Typical ignorant American, just ignore them.
How is Carney a fascist?
I think that’s just an American coping. Lmao
He’s not. peepee is, but if you’rea POS supporting peepee, well…. You’ve gotta project onto others! It’s their way.
LOL at the idiocy:
-But he’s never had an elected position!!
- He’s a dictator!
Unless he took over a small country when we weren’t looking, …how would you even know? By the progressive policies he supported…oh wait, THAT’S democracy!
He’s a dictator, dictaator!