Fuck sakes, I’m going to have to vote strategically AGAIN. Damned nonsense, this FPTP crap.
If the cons win, Canada will be totally and completely sold out to the U.S. PP is a worthless leader just look at his track record.
Good news folks, maple maga is outside the majority range.
For now. Let’s not get complacent.
Remember, these are only polls. Just like with the election in the states, polls mean nothing and can be the opposite of what the real outcome looks like.
As happy as I am to see the liberals overtake the cons, I am not sure I want to see a Liberal majority. I like the checks and balances of having to agree with at least one other party.
But I will gladly take this over Pierre dismantling free speech and selling us out to Trump.
Right now it’s a bit of an emergency and we can’t be too picky. The priority is to keep the Conservatives away from power, or our country could go the way the USA is, our minorities and immigrants will be persecuted, our economy will suffer, and it will become impossible to achieve anything positive politically. You can’t make an alliance with the Conservatives while they are in thrall to MAGAism, and they can’t be trusted when their MAGA buddies in the USA have their sights on annexing Canada.
Also Carney is notorious for being a hard-bargainer and is probably the best choice we have right now during a trade war, considering his track record in England.
That being said as far as progression goes, i question his priorities with Canada considering he’s a bank guy. Hopefully one day we can have an NDP opposition again.
The only way we’re ever really going to get a healthy democracy back is if people show up to VOTE. Doesn’t matter if your candidate will definitely win, doesn’t matter if your candidate will definitely lose. We need HIGH TURNOUT to show ALL politicians Canadians are upset and we mean business and signal that we will hold them accountable, an engaged electorate terrifies them. They love the apathy, they love the status quo, they love how it lets them rely on the special interest groups who always vote. But those special interests don’t represent us, and the more they rely on them for votes the less they care about the rest of us. We need to scare them to get them to actually listen to us and keep them on their best behavior.
If you don’t vote you’re not keeping your vote away from them – you’re giving it to them. Decline your ballot if you don’t want to actually vote. But you have to show up to be counted.
100% agree!
Yes, it’s astonishing that Ontarians still haven’t figured this out.
Also, the Conservatives snatching defeat from the jaws of victory shows that going MAGA isn’t a path to victory anymore for them.
If they have to shift left to win votes, that means that so will the Liberals to differentiate from them.
Perhaps not likely, but something to hope for.We have a fair number of MAGA/convoy people ourselves, Cons might not be able to change without splintering.
The polls leading up to Trump + Trudeau’s resignation just show they’ll win by default eventually anyway.
We love pretending we’re a two party system
It’s good to have checks and balances, but don’t be like the US. Letting conservatives have control just leaves you broke with all your services cut.
I agree with you, minorities require that balance that begets good policy for all.
I don’t see the current Cons contributing in good faith though.
I hope this translates to actual results come voting day.
I think they will tighten up closer to the election.
Usually does. Absolutely expect some amount of bounceback from this. That being said, right now 338 is putting the cons odds of majority at sub 1%, so things are looking pretty fucking dire for them.
I’m hoping the election will be about liberal majority or minority.
The 2 big parties have 76% of the Canadian vote.
That’s because of our voting system. This kind of system inevitably results in two parties against each other.
For the record, Carney’s new Minister of Democratic Institutions is a supporter of electoral reform. This is a really good time to be pushing for this, because we’ve clearly got allies at the top.
Contact your MPs, tell them how important electoral reform is to you.
Fuck ya! Maybe now is the time to dig out that letter I started writing about it last year.
An Alternative Vote system does not solve the major issues of First-Past-The-Post, and can still have wildly distorted outcomes relative to vote preferences. Unless combined with multi-member districts (aka Single Transferable Vote) it’s barely/not an improvement for Canada – it’s a convenient option for the largest parties because it rarely makes a difference to the outcome and the votes all trickle back to them anyway, so they can make a change without making a change.
Here’s an article worth reading. https://www.fairvote.ca/expert-dennis-pilon-sets-the-record-straight-about-the-alternative-vote/
The only desirable outcome of electoral reform is one which introduces at least a degree of proportionality – Single Transferable Vote if you’re really itching for a ranked ballot, or Mixed-Member Proportional Representation otherwise (my preference - but either would be a great improvement).
Yes thank you for pointing that out, I should’ve mentioned single transferable vote! I’ll read up on the other items you mentioned as well :)
I’ve used single transferrable vote, and it’s a genuinely fantastic system. You still get to vote in specific MPs, not just parties as a whole, and it does an excellent job of ensuring democratic outcomes. And despite fearmongering about it being “complicated” it just plain isn’t; you list your choices in order of preference. That’s it, that’s the whole system.
Thanks sunshine!
Those were very informing videos, thank you!
Sadly no update from Mainstreet.
Canada doesn’t need another liberal government, it needs an exorcist.