I see that quite a few major roads in Ontario are getting paved shoulders, plenty wide enough for cyclists, despite not being marked as bike lanes/routes.

An example of this is HWY7/12 in Port Perry - all new shoulders.

There is a tag: cycleway=shoulder, which gives me reason to think that we should be doing this.

What say you guys?

Update: Bike Ottawa has some guidance on the matter. I’ll be using the cycleway=soulder tag for roads that have SMOOTH and WIDE shoulders that would work well for cyclists.

  • Coehill@lemmy.ca
    22 days ago

    I love to see other mappers of bike infrastructure in Ontario. There’s an active mapper in Kitchener-Waterloo but other than that, it sometimes feels like I’m the only one.

    Now if only we could get more Panoramax mappers in Ontario…

    I map shoulders with StreetComplete.