Edit: To those downvoting, could please comment the reason as to why you are downvoting? The comments that are there right now do not explain the reason for the downvotes. I am genuinely curious as to what the thinking behind disliking the post is.

Imagine you are a trans woman in the 15th century. You lack the tech to grow boobs. You lack the tech to make ur dick into a vagina. However, the want still exists and is very real.

Now imagine the year is 2124. You are 55 years old. The tech to look exactly like you looked when you were sayyy 12 exists. You want to look like that. I would say that looking like that is your right. It’s your body after all.

However, you are still 55 years old. You just LOOK like a child. But you possess the ability to consent. Is having sex with such people moral? (I would say it is).

This however introduces problems. How do you differentiate between actual children and people who physically look like children? Would this be a political issue then? Would adults who want to have sex with adults (but those who look like kids) be discriminated against? Would there be movements for this?

  • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    This is already to some degree an existing dilemma. There are already individuals out there who, due to genetic lottery, happen to have an adult body that through some efforts of clothing, makeup, hairstyle, etc, can very much present themselves as substantially younger looking than their actual age.

    Lord knows certain popular niches in the porn industry make this apparant… >_>;

    And from what I have heard on social media, sometimes these individuals couple up with another person who… doesnt look substantially younger.

    And often, these couples face quite a bit of controversy and social stigma, despite everything they are doing and into being 100% legal and, from am objective standpoint, ethically fine (they are two consenting adults after all)

    But I agree that future tech with things like gene editing and whatnot this dilemma will certainly become substantially more pronounced and I think it will likely be yet another group being attacked for daring to live their lives.

  • Pandemanium@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    I can’t imagine there would be that many people who would want to look like an actual child. 20-ish, maybe, but not 12. Think about it. You’d have trouble keeping a job because no one would take you seriously. You’d probably get harassed by cops if you tried to drive anywhere. Everyone would treat you like you have no experience or knowledge.

    Trust me, I am one of those people who looks 10-15 years younger than I am. I don’t look nearly as young as 12, but I still do not enjoy looking young. I often feel alienated from my age group because they don’t see me as one of them until they find out my age.