It’s funny how the narrative changes when a group can actually fight back. Most of the Gen-Xers I know in tech aren’t going back to the office, not because they are ultrawealthy but because they are getting old, are virtually irreplaceable, and are prioritizing life over work after having survived the pandemic.

Also, sure Millenials and Gen-Z are “choosing” to go back. They aren’t compelled in any way. Right.

    4 months ago

    Is there anything that’s more obviously a “divide and conquer” tactic than all this unhinged generational bullshit? I’m gen x, and I’ve got more in common with my poor millennial and gen z neighbors than I do with some rich fuck my own age.

    And the “ultra wealthy” reference in this article is laughable. The ultra wealthy have always done whatever tf they want while the rest of us suffer.

    This article is just “young people don’t want to work anymore” in a fake nose and glasses.