Visited my mom and dad for thanksgiving, and one of the first things my mom said to me was “Wow! Your hair and skin look great. What are you doing differently?”

I am not yet ready for the awkward conversation that coming out will entail, so I had to restrain myself from saying “yeah I just inject e once a week” lol.

I’m only about four months in, but people seem to be noticing positive differences in me. Pretty cool!

    10 months ago

    Ok, an excuse I haven’t used yet, but been keeping in my back pocket is this,

    “I recently go on this new medication for (anxiety in my case) and it helped a lot and since I (was less anxious) I had more mental bandwidth to consider different things and was better able to pay attention to different parts of my health a wasn’t able to before”

    Obviously not this verbatim, but this idea in some form. Because to some extent it is true in my case.