As bike commuter who’s been run over and knows numerous people hit/killed by drivers, I stand by what I said. It’s not that I don’t want the other things, this is just something I’m deeply passionate about.
I respect that (and am also very passionate about this topic too). I was nearly hooked just yesterday while in our new “protected bike lane” by some asswipe in an SUV and fortunately braked hard early because of a weird feeling I had about them when I glanced over. I was just loosely trying to stay on topic here. Stay safe friend.
I feel like at the very least public transportation should be brought up in the conversations. I get why it doesn’t poll well as a lot of people just associate it with criminals and homeless people, or at least what people have expressed to me about it. But definitely stay safe on the road!
As bike commuter who’s been run over and knows numerous people hit/killed by drivers, I stand by what I said. It’s not that I don’t want the other things, this is just something I’m deeply passionate about.
I respect that (and am also very passionate about this topic too). I was nearly hooked just yesterday while in our new “protected bike lane” by some asswipe in an SUV and fortunately braked hard early because of a weird feeling I had about them when I glanced over. I was just loosely trying to stay on topic here. Stay safe friend.
I feel like at the very least public transportation should be brought up in the conversations. I get why it doesn’t poll well as a lot of people just associate it with criminals and homeless people, or at least what people have expressed to me about it. But definitely stay safe on the road!