• lad@programming.dev
    4 months ago

    I am planning to shop for new parts (well, strictly speaking I continue to plan for more than a year already, but life gets in the way). I can’t decide between the better compatibility of AMD and (supposedly) more features of Nvidia

    I have just started trying to make sense of the situation searching the internet, but I would appreciate it if you can sum up what’s the pros and cons for my use case: I mostly use GPU for gaming, consider participation in ML crowd sourcing like AI horde, sometimes edit images or video. Plus, I mostly use Win now and want to use Linux in dual boot on the new machine

    • pixelscript@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      Nvidia and AMD broadly cover the same use cases. Nvidia cards are not intrinsically better to my knowledge, Nvidia simply offers ultra high-performance cards that AMD doesn’t.

      If you just need nonspecific games to run decently, a card from either brand will do it. If you need to run the most intensive games there are on unbelievable settings, that’s when Nvidia should be edging out.

      ML dabbling may complicate things. Many (most?) tools are written for CUDA, which is a proprietary Nvidia technology. I think AMD offers a counterpart but I do not have details. You will need to do more research on this.