• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    I am aware of this paradox. It is well known and well documented.

    The fact is, the paradox must exist.

    Being tolerant of intolerance in an of itself will destroy tolerance. This was described quite well in my opinion, with this relatively terse and straightforward illustration:

    Intolerance is literally the only thing that the tolerant should be intolerant of.

    That’s exactly what’s being described, and exactly what has happened and exactly the point of all of this discussion. You are free to believe what you want, both of tolerance and intolerance, both of me and the community, and of society. Nobody can, and nobody should ever try to take that from you. You can think and believe what you want. You’re entitled to your opinion. You’re free to say and do what you like as an extension of your constitutionally protected rights. The thing that right does not grant you, is that anyone needs to listen or respect your opinions, just as you are not obligated to listen or respect anyone else’s thoughts or opinions.

    What this also doesn’t grant you is freedom from the consequences of expressing those thoughts, whether that’s in the form of downvotes, being excluded from social gatherings like pride, or being incarcerated for threatening others. Not that I’m saying you’ve done any of that, nor that you’re guilty of any crimes at all, I’m merely pointing out the facts. I have no need to judge you, nor do I have any need to know or change your opinion of me.

    It’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Freedom? It’s a paradox unto itself as well. We live in a world full of paradoxes; not to mention logical fallacies. There’s a lot to be said on this topic, and it’s incredibly deep, and there’s no easy answer no matter where you start and no matter how long you examine the issues. I’ve made my decisions, and you must make yours.

    All I want to say at this point, is I wish you all the best. Have a wonderful day.