Basicamente o título. Já testei vários apps, mas acaba que sempre falta uma das duas funcionalidades. Importante também o app permitir salvar playlists já criadas no YT. Seria interessante, mas não necessário que o app sincronize automaticamente as playlists assim que são adicionadas músicas pelo YT.

    6 months ago

    Hey, if you think it’s better for you, we can talk in English. So, I’ve tried YTDLnis, but it’s not exactly what I want. What I am looking for it’s something with a music player. it’s more like an alternative to YT Music Premium. Basically, something where I can download my already existing YT playlists and play them. About LibreTube, I downloaded it, but I didn’t understand you, am I able to change the download path or not? Because I’m having trouble finding that option on the app settings