It has long been the case that American women are generally more liberal than American men. But among young Americans, this gender gap has widened into an enormous rift: According to recent Gallup polling, there is a 30-point differencebetween the number of women age 18–30 who self-identify as liberal and the number of men in that demographic who do the same.

That’s largely because young women have gotten much more liberal, while young men have stayed ideologically more consistent—or, according to other analyses, become more conservative and anti-feminist. (Of course, not every person identifies as a man or woman. But gender roles still play a big part in shaping our lives and politics, and in the context of this column, I am focusing mostly on the vast majority of Americans who identify as one or the other.) It’s not happening just here either; the political divide between the sexes is a trend that researchers are observing in some other countries too.

    6 months ago

    All I’m really asking for is for people to say anything at all besides just “men” when making complaints about certain men. It doesn’t need to be precise, just clear enough that it’s obvious that all men aren’t the target of criticism

    Right, but isn’t it a bit far fetched to be taken literally? That there are a significant amount of women who hate every man in their life?

    If I said men love sports, would you demand me pretext that with “not all men”?

    I’m not doing that. I’m making my point in a thread that’s specifically about why feminism is often seen in a bad light. Where else could I possibly find a more appropriate venue for such a criticism?

    That was in reference to the “not all men” rhetoric.

    I’m saying it causes an emotional reaction that is extremely unhelpful for productive dialog.

    Maybe that means you may be overreacting?

    I know better than to say “not all men”. You’re missing something critical: while I used myself as an example, my comment was not about me.

    You’re just validating their interpretation?

    It’s about all the men who see women talk that way and come away with the impression that feminism is hostile to them just because they’re men.

    I think people whom think that way are just finding pedantic reasons to be upset at something they already have made opinions about.

    You don’t need to convince me of anything, and even if you did, convincing me would not solve the problem.

    Not trying to convince you of anything besides my original retort, communication about politics is hard. Just look at our conversation.

      6 months ago

      communication about politics is hard. Just look at our conversation.

      It might not be so hard if everything you said wasn’t dripping with condescension.

        6 months ago

        Lol, are you this overdramatic every time someone disagrees with you? I think you may be a bit sensitive when encountering criticisms, which may explain the whole taking the generalization of men personally.

            6 months ago

            Ahh yes, I forgot. Anything that runs counter to your expert opinion is condescending.

            Sounds like a perfectly legitimate rebuttal…

              6 months ago

              Let’s see, you said I was reductive, I’m overdramatic, I’m a misanthrope, I’m seeking absolution, I’m intentionally misinterpreting things, I’m pedantic, I’m constantly detailing conversations with women, I’m pretending to be an expert…

              I was trying to have a conversation about the state of feminist discourse, and you’ve tried to make it about me at every turn, to the point that you’re constantly making shit up about me. So now that I think about it, you’re worse than condescending. You’re an asshole who responds to disagreement with insults and then you have the gall to accuse me of doing what you’ve been doing the whole time. Big narcissist energy, bud.

              Feel free to keep wasting your time disparaging me, since you seem to be enjoying it so much, but I’m done with this sad excuse for a conversation.