“I can’t be a racist sack of shit and spew hate speech in Canada so I’m not coming!” - a fetid sack of gangrenous anal sphincters.
“I can’t be a racist sack of shit and spew hate speech in Canada so I’m not coming!” - a fetid sack of gangrenous anal sphincters.
Uh, CBSA can’t refuse you if you’re a Canadian citizen for an American DUI. She definitely wasn’t a full Canadian if she had to do anything.
It’s in our charter of Rights.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_6_of_the_Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms#:~:text=Under the heading "Mobility Rights,remain in and leave Canada.
Thanks, that makes it even more funny. She was a funny lady but yeah, did drink a bit much.
This. So many Canadians don’t understand Section 6. Freedom of movement means that you can cross interprovincial boundaries freely, live anywhere you want to live in Canada, and leave and return to Canada any time. It doesn’t mean you can drive without license, registration, and insurance and it doesn’t mean that the government can’t require you to quarantine when you return.
The Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms should be a required, full semester course in highschool and a passing mark of 80% should be required to graduate.
She probably could go home but couldn’t get back into the states after.
Most likely. As a Citizen you have right of entry so you cannot be denied entry to the country if you can get to the border. The US never has to let you in.