I am leaving the fediverse by tomorrow because it is not what I imagined it would be. Spez killed reddit’s soul, not just it’s original spirit. The fediverse is a sham and a political soapbox writ large, it will never support a true community like reddit used to unless that community is one with a heavy political relevance.

I never used a forum account, I play and I use mods but I don’t create mods due to difficulty understanding computers’ “behind the scenes” stuff. I appreciate FOSS because that also extends to Web³ crypto contracts and to digital footprints, but unlike with OpenTTD (the game, not my account), I do not believe the fediverse will ever be a good place to communicate without being stressed by social shit.

My intent to make this community a prime spot for fediverse discussion of the game has failed in favor of the Dutch and Canadian communities, and I no longer feel motivated to keep going, so I think this is goodbye. You probably won’t see me around, I don’t plan to stop lurking anywhere else, as I cannot use my Apple ID (banned years ago because someone who I no longer associate with keylogged my PC, I’ve been wary of online services that are “free to use with purchases available” ever since as I had to cancel my credit card) and do not trust Google either, making it necessary to do everything on a laptop or not at all. It’s fine by me but means I do not use my email address and have given up trying to have user accounts anywhere.

Thank you for your time, I wish I could have done more. If you’re interested, I can transfer ownership to anyone who is in good standing with the OpenTTD community, but proof of login will be needed. Fair warning, you’re going to get a lot of “I fear the government” guys, and though I am anticapitalist I am not the kind of person who enjoys outrage porn and I feel the internet needs to be reimagined, not just rebuilt, which is why I am leaving. Don’t worry, I usually play this game alone and it holds a special place in my heart. Bye.

  • shootwhatsmyname@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    I don’t think we realize how much big social media algorithms and censorship actually prevent us from seeing content we’re not interested in. Doesn’t mean it’s not there, it’s just that we don’t see it as often.

    Here on Lemmy, there’s no entity above us fighting for and profiting off of our attention. We are solely responsible for blocking and following exactly what we want. This is one of the huge tradeoffs and benefits of something decentralized like this, and I wish more people understood this.