Unexplored Wilderness
Create generators that invoke the wilderness (nature, danger), curiosity (discovery, documentation), and adventure (heading into the unknown, trailblazing), be it fictional or non-fiction.
Make generators with the lines of an odyssey to unexplored regions, mapping the vast reaches of the galaxy, or looking deep within oneself.
When: August 7, 2024 12:00PM UTC
to August 28, 2024 12:00PM UTC
Perchance Data
// This Part is Required for the Perchance Hub
// This would be where the Event Organizer would change the data to update the Hub
// Remember to indent with two spaces!
// List About the Event to be displayed on the Hub
title = Unexplored Wilderness
description = Create generators that invoke the wilderness (nature, danger), curiosity (discovery, documentation), and adventure (heading into the unknown, trailblazing), be it fictional or non-fiction.
type = Generator Jam
// Can be multiple pictures to randomize the banner image :)
start = 07 August 2024 12:00:00 UTC+0000 // strict data formats see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse#non-standard_date_strings
end = 28 August 2024 12:00:00 UTC+0000
color = linear-gradient(77deg, #386945, #30aa34)
rules = Make generators with the lines of an odyssey to unexplored regions, mapping the vast reaches of the galaxy, or looking deep within oneself.
// For Generator Jams with Perchance URL
// The generator's $metadata is also parsed
author = Vionet20
type = Text
// For Image Events
// You can request a format of other events just ask on the forum!
// Banner Info:
// Generator Used: text2image-generator
// Prompt: a behind the character shot of a small group on high elevation overlooking an unexplored forest region, exploration, adventure, high fantasy, concept art
// Negative Prompt: \[mountains, mountain ranges, high mountains, columns of rocks:0.05\]
// Resolution: 768x512
// Art Style: [Vionet20-Styles] Comic/Manga Illustration