This is a growing list of commonly used terms in our community. Please suggest more terms not listed here!
Boglehead = A follower of John C. Bogle’s financial philosophies and investing strategies.
COL = Cost of Living
LCOL/MCOL/HCOL/VHCOL = Low/Med/High/VeryHigh Cost of Living
DCA = Dollar Cost Averaging; the strategy of investing money into the market over many regular intervals of time (as opposed to lump sum investing).
DINK = Double Income No Kids
FI = Financial Independence; the ability to live off savings and pay living expenses without needing to be employed.
FIRE = Financial Independence & Retire Early
Coast FIRE = having enough money already invested so that it is not necessary to invest more to achieve FI at the desired retirement age.
Barista FIRE = having enough money to retire at the desired retirement age and also getting a part-time job for additional income and health insurance.
Lean FIRE = achieving FIRE without having much safety nets for luxuries/children/major health costs during retirement, usually only spending on necessities such as housing, food, and transportation.
Fat FIRE = achieving FIRE with the ability to cover unexpected expenses during retirement while living in equal or greater lifestyle as before retirement.
HENRY = High Earner, Not Rich Yet
HYSA = High Yield Savings Account
NW = Net Worth
PITI = Principal + Interest + Taxes + Insurance
PMI = Private Mortgage Insurance
SWR = Safe Withdrawal Rate