Demokratie darf sich nicht mehr damit begnügen, »abwehrbereit« zu sein. Sie muss viel offensiver mit ihren vielen Feinden umgehen. Harmloser und hilfloser als Deutschland kann man sich dabei kaum anstellen.
Norwegen. Recognising this, opted for a different approach, making their content available for free to anyone who could help spread their fact-checks. created a system of embed codes, allowing users to easily share content on various platforms. They also partnered with the Norwegian News Agency (NTB), which automatically distributes’s content and embed codes to its customers through its newswire service.
Norwegen. Recognising this, opted for a different approach, making their content available for free to anyone who could help spread their fact-checks. created a system of embed codes, allowing users to easily share content on various platforms. They also partnered with the Norwegian News Agency (NTB), which automatically distributes’s content and embed codes to its customers through its newswire service.
Naja, das würde ich jetzt aber nicht dem Norwegischen Staat anlasten. Im deutschsprachigen Raum haben wir schließlich auch