I decided to come out to my mom by sending her a ā€œletterā€ to make it easier for me but Iā€™m not sure is it good enough. Main things I want her to understand are how I feel, that this didnā€™t happen overnight and that itā€™s a big problem for me. This is what I wrote (translated to English):

ā€œSomething is bothering me for some time now, I want to explain everything here. Itā€™s hard for me to start conversation about this so to make it easier for me I wrote it. I know this will be hard for you and I want to give you as much time as you need to process it. Only thing I want is support, all of this is already very hard for me so if we made negative atmosphere it would become even worse. So, Iā€™m pretty sure that Iā€™m transgender. I donā€™t know what you heard about trans people in media so Iā€™ll try to explain how I feel. To put it shortly, itā€™s awful. I donā€™t feel good in my own skin. Whenever Iā€™m not distracted by school or hobbies I feel really bad. I donā€™t like how I look and sound and how others see me. I canā€™t dress how I want. I feel like Iā€™m wearing a costume because of others. A costume that I want to remove but canā€™t. I feel envy towards women, sometimes I canā€™t even look at them because of it. As times goes things become worse and my wish to do something about this is growing stronger but Iā€™m scared. Iā€™m scared of potential reactions of others, especially family members, and that I would be rejected. I wanted to come out to you first because I think you wonā€™t disapprove me immediately and at least try to understand me. Like I said, support is really important to me at the moment. If people reject me things would become worse. I want to go to a therapist as soon as possible, that would be the best solution, but I wanted to tell you everything first. I donā€™t want to do something like this behind your back. I also want to tell you that this isnā€™t something recent, Iā€™m just able to better understand my feeling now that Iā€™m older. For years I wondered how itā€™s like to be a girl, I wanted to experience it for a short period. I had dreams where I became a girl. I thought itā€™s normal and that everyone experienced it from time to time. Anything that has something to do with changing gender was interesting to me, especially male to female. I thought itā€™s just a fetish. When I realized there is more to these feelings I tried convince myself Iā€™m just making it up and that I canā€™t be trans. It was hard for me to accept myself as transgender but after some time I couldnā€™t find a different explanation. Stubbornness and fear were only reasons why I couldnā€™t accept myself. Iā€™m sorry for not telling this sooner, I want you to understand that itā€™s hard to talk about this. Iā€™m scared that others will reject me but I also want to do something about these feelings in order to be happy. And, again, support means me more than anything. Iā€™m sure that you have feelings of loss while reading this. Iā€™ll always be me, things like this wonā€™t change that. If you blame yourself for this, please donā€™t do it. You and dad, or anyone else, arenā€™t blameworthy. No matter what you did in the past I would get here at some point. If you read all of this, I want to let you know it means a lot to me. When you are ready to talk about this just tell me, itā€™s easier now that I shared these feelings with someone. This should remain between the two of us, others shouldnā€™t know about it at the moment.ā€

Is this good? This is really important to me so I want to approach it in a right way and feedback would be really helpful with that.

Important note: Verbs and adjectives are gendered in my native language. I used masculine forms because I feel like that would make things a bit easier for her. Should I keep that?

  • lady_scarecrow (she/her)@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    This is pretty good. I do have a few suggestions, but of course, these are only suggestions ā€“ itā€™s your letter, and your mom, after all.

    First, I understand that you kept the masculine form of words because you donā€™t want to overwhelm your mom, right? I definitely understand that, but I think it sends a dubious message as well. Youā€™re saying youā€™re trans, but youā€™re still referring to yourself with male terms. That could certainly backfire ā€“ at worst, your mom could infer that deep down, you donā€™t really see yourself as a woman after all. Have you considered switching halfway from masculine to feminine words instead? For example, from the ā€œIā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m transgenderā€ point onward. That really drives the point home of ā€œyouā€™ve known me as a man up until now, but from now on I want you to treat me as a womanā€.

    Also, at some point you say ā€œI donā€™t know what youā€™ve heard about trans peopleā€ which leads me to think she might have some misconceptions and prejudice. Many people associate being trans with ā€œmoral degradationā€, so at worst, she might think of your coming out as a sign that youā€™re going to start using drugs and whatnotā€¦ It might be a good idea to emphasize that youā€™re still the same person as always, only your gender isnā€™t what they thought.

    Having said all that, I hope it goes well for you.