Hey folks, looking for something that scratches an itch. I love the Tales series, but dislike the active combat system. So I’m looking for something in the vein that is low combat or turn based tactical combat.
For comparison, I also enjoy Fire Emblem but wish it was more of an RPG. And have recently replayed Dragon Age: Origins (and wished it was turn based like BG3). In DaO I preferred exploring the Dwarven city over combat by a huge margin.
Graphics don’t matter. Depth of story matters. Ideas?
Have you played the Trails series?
No! I’ve heard it is quite the investment if you want to start at the beginning. Is there a later jumping in point that works well, in your opinion?
I’ve only played the two first entries so far (Trails in the Sky FC & SC) and I’ve found them be fun JRPGs. I’d recommend starting by the beginning.
Not op, but I’ve been playing the series (just finished the sixth game, Cold Steel), and I’d suggest not starting from a later point in the series, as every game references the previous ones in some way. Although even if they didn’t, I’d still suggest starting from Sky, then playing Zero and Azure, as they are really good (and imo much better games than CS).
You can play Cold Steel 1&2 as your first if you want a more modern introduction to the world and like the persona style school setting stuff, but CS3 is when the stories of all the previous games start merging together, so it’s very highly recommended to have played Sky, Zero and Azure before that or you will miss a lot of it.
Also there is a 3D remake of the Sky trilogy coming, starting sometime next year with the first game. Though so far it seems to be Switch exclusive.