• pjwestin@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    There were a lot of Pro-Palestinian protests last November in my city. One of them blocked a small bridge, and this was a conversation I had 3 times that day:

    Some Chud: “This is really dangerous! What if an ambulance needs to get by!”

    Me: “They’re letting emergency vehicles pass, and police are on the scene to make sure nothing unsafe happens.”

    S.C.: “Well, they’re certainly not winning anyone over with tactics like this!”

    Me: “They’re not trying to win you over, their stated goal is to force [X] politician to respond.”

    S.C.: “Well then they should go protest at [X] politicians house!”

    Me: “They protested at [X]'s office last week, but it wasn’t very disruptive, so you didn’t hear about it.”

    • Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      There’s been non-stop protests in politician homes in Texas. You don’t hear about them because they’re peaceful.

      So maybe blocking roads is the way.

  • RealFknNito@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Never gets old, seeing idiots admit that hundreds or thousands of years can pass but the only way they can get what they want done is violence.

    We live in a world where even war isn’t profitable anymore, where you can overthrow leaders with a social media post, but you morons still choose dumb ape brain impulse.

    • cinnamonTea@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      I would really love an example for a war that didn’t happen because it wasn’t profitable, or a relevant leader toppled by social media. We live in a world where there aren’t any politicians we can vote for to actually lead to any change, and wars are closer to many of us than they have been in a long time, both physically and through the visibility of social media and globalisation. If there’s a peaceful way to stop this that you’re aware of, please do enlighten us

      • RealFknNito@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I would really love an example for a war that didn’t happen because it wasn’t profitable

        Holy shit. You think we made money in Vietnam? Made money in the Korean war? Think there’s enough oil in the Middle East to justify a 20 year occupation? I bet the shoes of the Jewish people really gave us kickbacks in World War II.

        War is almost never profitable and the only people who think it is are trying to drum up any excuse as to be violent little rebels. Can war lead to change? Absolutely. The dickless protests of ruining local shops are nothing more than annoying to the people who aren’t affected by it and devastating to the people who are. Stop trying to be fucking virtuous rebels and stand with groups and organizations that are pushing for change without a fucking brick in their hand. Unreal I have to even explain this.

        We live in a world where there aren’t any politicians we can vote for to actually lead to any change

        What a double dose of retardation that is. I’ve heard nothing but “Trump is going to destroy democracy if he gets elected!” but now I have you saying “Nah they’re bullshitting, it doesn’t matter, never will.” None of the politicians running are running on issues you want them to, that’s your problem. Maybe instead of dressing in all black and vandalizing property you get with that same group and push someone into office. Imagine how effective that could be on jumpstarting a progressive candidate.

        The only violence I’m okay with is the kind that makes less billionaires. Go Johnny Silverhand Trump Tower then get back to me.

        • cinnamonTea@lemmy.ml
          6 months ago

          That’s exactly what I mean, though. All these wars happen even though they aren’t profitable, so I don’t see how that’s relevant.

          Not saying politics can’t change for the worse, just that I haven’t seen voting, etc. change it for the better in a long time. It used to and I think peaceful protests and activism could help, just saying it’s not very visible as helpful right now.

          I don’t even see how you ended up getting into a tirade about vandalising from this post, especially if you agree that attacking billionaires directly has a chance of helping - isn’t that exactly what the cartoon shows?

          I agree with you that riots and vandalising aren’t currently helping - but I also don’t see them as a prevailing problem. Where is this currently going on? Most of what I see are peaceful protests with limited coverage and even more limited consequences