• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Attila Hildmann

    Niko Rittenau: German parascientific ‘nutrition counsultant’ that happens to have one of the biggest German language YouTube channels about vegan nutrition AND owns/has weird ties to a supplement distributor. Recently told his subscribers that vegans either have to eat meat or buy supplements from this specific company (he doesn’t really disclose his ties to the company and the subsequent conflict of interest) in order to be healthy, based on a non-peer reviewed study he did, where many actual nutrition scientist pointed out mistakes and the non-disclosed conflict of interest.

  • I think the Russian Empire will not give away expensively conquered land and people to basically a political vassal who is a member in a concurrent political entity and system. Today’s Political Hungary might have powerful aspirations, but it’s current actual power is somewhat limited to a gatekeeper (migration, military aid, energy flows) since Hungary is not a big entity like the USA, Russia, China or the EU as a whole.

    I wonder how much the situation would compare to a hypothetical scenario where Texas would hold trade talks with China.

  • Denazifizierung war zu der Zeit (nach dem Krieg oder in befreiten Gebieten) nicht mehr als Propaganda. Später haben sowohl BRD als auch DDR bereitwillig nationalsozialistische ‘Fachkräfte’ eingestellt oder beibehalten, Aufarbeitung sabotiert oder nicht verfolgt. Die ‘Wehrmacht’ hätte ja angeblich eine weiße Weste gehabt und in der ‘SS’ war angeblich niemand. Rechte Vereine wurden gegründet, die teilweise noch heute existieren oder erst vor Kurzem verboten wurden. Rechte Parteien sind mit Gründung in die Parlamente gezogen. Antisemitische Positionen blieben Grundkanon, rassistische, sexistische, klassistische Positionen weiteten sich noch aus und wurden in Gesetz, Kultur und Infrastruktur zementiert.

  • I read them as following:

    “I” never said we should kill him.

    Someone else said it.

    I “never” said we should kill him.

    I didn’t say it.

    I never “said” we should kill him.

    I just thought it.

    I never said “we” should kill him.

    Someone else ought to.

    I never said we “should” kill him.

    It’s just a possibility.

    I never said we should “kill” him.

    What did we do? We could have given him cookies.

    I never said we should kill “him”.

    Someone else though.

  • Awesome.

    As a trans person being and being around bisexual (or trans) people is both exciting and calming, because sexualities and gender (and dysphoria) do not really hinder much.

    General queerphobia is much more prevalent and daunting than biphobia is for me. Sure, biphobia is awful, but biphobia seems more solvable to me than queerphobia by strangers, because fellow queers are often more possible to be reasoned with, while hot-headed blokes with a religiously queerphobic upbringing are just alarming and can really only be brought back by immense pressure from their peers (not me).