
  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月25日


  • Oh yes. Cow body language is very different when they’re curious and when they intend to cause you harm. These ones wanted us wiped from the face of the earth, or at least wiped from their line of sight.

    Edit: I should point out that these were free range beef cattle in the foothills, so they’re a lot less friendly than your average dairy cow. They would only see people a few times per year, and they never liked what they got when people came around, so they likely had pretty negative associations with humans.

  • How could you be immortal though? You will eventually reach the end of your natural age. Or does it propose that we will jump back to previous possibilities at some point with no knowledge of our older self? I can see that there would be branches of my choices and universes where my actions led to my deaths, but my consciousness is a continual stream forward.