I love genuine questions and people putting in the effort to love and understand each other better. If you come at me just wanting to argue I’m going to troll you back. FAFO.

  • 55 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Golf clubs were actually one of the targeted locations of the “Man Therapy” mental health awareness project (I had to pick a topic to write about in my public health nursing class). They also advertised (/spread awareness & did screenings) in gyms and car dealerships. It was a great example of how when you’re trying to increase access to something in a population with historically low access you gotta go where they’re at. They also hired a marketing firm to do some market research and design the materials, which I would argue is one of the few good uses of such an organization (rather than say, arms dealing or making up new ipod colors).

  • This is the corporation that administers the PA DOCs inmate commissary (don’t get me started on everything that is philosophically wrong with that sentence; I have a manifesto of my own to write). Mr. Mangione’s inmate ID# is QQ7787. The system requests an email address and will likely collect credit card information. I’ll try to see later this week if it will accept a burner email and a visa gift card purchased with cash, but my hopes are not high. I will tell you as someone vaguely familiar with the correctional system that in many places conditions are basically unlivable without commissary (again, don’t get me started). I also don’t know how much they will punitively restrict his access regardless of funds due to the political nature of his alleged crime. If they don’t allow privacy for those providing funds I will have to weigh how much I value my own privacy in this current political climate against my continued soft spot for those exposed to the correctional system.

  • Murder is bad etc but I get it.

    He did all the good of murdering a person in power responsible for the deaths of millions while simultaneously managing to not hurt a hair on literally a single other person’s head. I don’t even care about his politics he did the one thing that should truly unify all of us - removing the rich from their seats of power with literally the only outcome any of them truly fear. They don’t even have the excuse of innocent people getting hurt anymore. The man was a mass murderer and his kids can dry their tears on their trust fund money.

  • Wondering if this is gonna wind up like cigarettes where we can’t actually prove they cause cancer because we’d have to create an RCT where we randomly assign nonsmokers to begin smoking to prove that it’s not some other comorbidity or unrelated risk factor endemic to that population but we can’t because telling people to begin smoking is wildly unethical because while we can’t prove it with 100% scientific certainty we do know it. We can’t put plaques in randomized control groups of people with and without plastics to see if one is worse or forms more easily or dissipates less easily.

  • Transmen need to be a lot more visible.

    I feel like as an enby I benefit a lot from hiding under the “tomboy” label and a lot of transmen just pass more easily because while it’s harder to create a penis through surgery, testosterone makes the rest of the immediately visible changes more easily vs estrogen can’t change facial bone structure or un-deepen a voice.

    There’s also a society wide stigma not even necessarily about women but more about femininity. It’s why you also see stigma against men expressing emotion and wearing clothing and engaging in hobbies that are traditionally “feminine.” Often it’s not even really women we have a problem with; it’s the whole concept of femininity, no matter who it’s applied to.

    Both of these things make trans women a lot more visible in the public eye, but that also makes it easier for TERFs to act like this is a feminism issue. That would be (a little) harder if we were putting more transmen on the cover of GQ. Equality, y’know?

  • Mine are mostly for being a trans person the wrong way. People do nooot like my brand / combo of gender apathy but also having been surgically confirmed with some androgynizing removals. I get called transphobic a LOT just by saying I don’t personally get dysphoria related to pronouns. I understand that others do. I understand that for many the whole passing one way or the other thing is a matter of safety. But I’m good being called whatever personally idc. Straight to jail. I’ve learned to just stay away from trans communities they’re pretty much all just assholes.