
Bit of a mess, kinda depressed, and going through a gender identity crisis :3

(Ongoing issues, brain pls fix)

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Since I primarily use English despite being a native German speaker I always get those jumbled up and it bugs me so much. People dictate long numbers in sets of two or three digits, but instead of saying the digits, they say them as numbers. Then it’s like “3 & 40” and I write 34 because my brain goes “first number, first digit” until I notice that I made this error again and have to correct it. It takes way more mental effort than it should and it annoys me that so many people say these as numbers instead of as actual sets of digits, which wouldn’t be a problem in most other languages, but nooooo of course we need to add a good ol’ switcheroo right at the end there

  • As I mentioned in the post, my money budget is around 1000€ as a target, but it extends both up and down. I can stretch if needed, but if that’s comically overkill then I’d be happy to go lower. Time budget… not too high, but also not super low. I can certainly spend a day or two setting everything up. Electricity costs are certainly a factor, power prices here were some of the highest globally, even before the extreme increases lately.

    Also thanks for the tip of the S3 backup, it’s probably a good idea to have an extra copy of important data off-site, yeah.

  • I use my computer normally, but importantly for ergo keyboards, I also play video games. Due to that, initially I looked into ZSA with their Moonlander, as it seemed to fulfill the role of being ergonomic, while having enough keys to let me comfortably game. As usual, a compromise solved neither issue. Due to neither being overly comfortable, nor being satisfactory for gaming, I ended up selling it. I’m now on a Piantor Pro and so far it’s pretty decent, while keeping my old traditional keyboard around for games. It’s not perfect, but if you play games and want an ergo keyboard there doesn’t seem to be anything that truly is.