Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
The thing they all have in common is a lust for power and domination. Bunch of fucking nazis.
Your mom chews wood.
Why do the secret police get to have their faces blurred? Aren’t these “public servants”? This is like the opposite of a body camera, Jesus fucking Christ.
I don’t think you understand how our military works. It’s not a bunch of soulless T-1000’s you can sick on your enemy, it’s a military full of Californians that might not like killing their family members lol
People who aren’t thinking things through know what they’re doing? If you say so….
I see your points, but it also seems you’re trying to make your adversary a whole lot smarter than they actually are in order to feel more righteous in your upset.
These are not deep thinkers. They are often poor and poorly educated, quick to fall for a scam. They don’t think, they believe. The best reaction is ridicule, it strikes at the heart of their biggest insecurity. Though anger is understandable and I’ll help make sure it’s heard.
Without ever seeing one before, I’m somewhat sure I require additional ones.
You don’t understand, it’s one of those Hurt’s Donuts.
I think it’s a pretty big difference, if Trump was campaigning on a strategy of invading Canada from the start, I see things playing out very differently.
The threats to Canadian sovereignty feel very new and the reaction from Canada feels very different this time.
To be clear, I think Trump voters are idiots being scammed, but are too morally repugnant to be sympathetic, they 100% suck. Even if Trump stuck to the things he promised, those things would also be very bad.
I do care, I served with Canadians and have Canadian friends. I hate what we’re doing to our neighbors and am ashamed to see a flag I served twice, more and more resemble a nazi flag.
To be fair, even though it feels like 2 years already, it’s only been a couple months. I’m not expecting much though, so your point stands.
Well it’s not so much a problem of my personal making, I was saying all the same things you’re saying. I talked and talked to people, which I hate doing, going down the list for why this guy sucked and why Kamala was way better than Trump, no matter how you slice it. He scammed stupid people (we have a lot of stupid people) and stupid people also tend to be bigots. He also had a billionaire buy votes in crucial areas and our courts didn’t see a problem. We’re fighting the same billionaires you’re going to be fighting when the same fucking thing happens to you. We’re all on this spaceship Earth together. If it gets nuked, that fucks you too.
The only thing you should post in those comments is:
Dark Matter
Where is it?
How much?
Where is it?
How much?
If you’re on PC, you might like Libre Wolf. All browsers on Apple’s mobile OS are reskinned Safari anyways.
But that’s the thing, they elected him based on his campaign and he never mentioned anything like this during his campaign. If what you say is the case, why did he talk nonstop about grocery prices right up to the election? Did they like the hate? Very much, conservatives are hateful people. It just doesn’t pass the smell test. Invade Mexico? That kind of matches all his other hateful rhetoric for everyone south of the US, but a country full of white people? We only do that if your asian ally bombs us first usually.
Trump did not campaign on a war with Canada. No one elected him to do this. Everyone who isn’t mad has brainworms.
She’s a great science communicator. Another famous Youtuber (Captain D) called her “the Jenny Nicholson of science” her Dark Matter video is my favorite, though her Gell-Mann Amnesia video is a “must watch” imho.
I wonder how long the world is going to be okay with America using deadly violence in the Middle East as a way to mask and deflect from domestic turmoil? At least our “coalition of the willing (to commit war crimes)” is getting smaller.