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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Ha yes, you can just do that. It’s totally not out of reach for all the peoples who have to work 2~3 jobs at once and still can’t save any money because even the basic necessities for survival are sold at extortion prices not to mention possible medical, college debt or mortgages.

  • You’re confusing private property with personal property. While this is a very common mistake, you can’t claim to have an informed opinion about communism while still making it, it’s 101 level stuff.

    Further, you are also making the other very common error of assuming the state is oppressive because it is like some kind of monolith somehow cut off from the rest of society as though the peoples staffing it weren’t as much part of society as everyone else, this is not the case, whether a state apparatus is oppressive and against whom it is oppressive is dictated by the class character of the state, a factor that is systematically neglected by the peoples using variations of “power always corrupt” truisms to “analyze” a state.

    tl;dr: you’re knowledge of communism and communist theory and praxis is very surface level at best, go read some reading list from prolewiki’s library, To criticize something you need to know at least the basics of it first.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery time
    1 month ago

    Yes but not only, small business owners, small landlords and “casual traders” who own some stocks but not enough to be considered rich or have influence in the company the stocks are from are also part of the petty bourgeoisie.

    Generally, the petty bourgeoisie are peoples who technically own means of productions and may even have a few employee working for them, but don’t make quite enough from that to not have to work anymore. They are constantly under the threat of being out-competed by larger businesses, especially corporations owned by the high bourgeoisie, and becoming a proletarian.

    Basically, they are the subclass at the boundary between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. They are better off than the proletariat and own means of production and private property but are under constant threat to lose these privileges and become part of the proletariat, especially in time of crisis.

    They are the source of the overwhelming majority of fascists as I’ve said, because they still benefit from capitalism and generally aspire to become part of the high bourgeoisie even tough they are very much the underdogs. The bourgeois state will intentionally let fascism grow unopposed so that if the bourgeoisie feels their privileges are threatened by working class movements, they can give power to the fascists who will crackdown on the proletariat and protect the capitalist system from being overthrown.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery time
    1 month ago

    Material analysis is an analysis using the method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.

    To put in in a grossly oversimplified way, one of the most important concepts of dialectical materialism is that ideas aren’t independent from society. Peoples don’t pull ideas out of some Platonist void, their ideas are shaped by and consequences of the society and material conditions they live in.

    For example, writing didn’t appear just because some guy one day said “what if we drew funny shapes in clay and pretended the shapes are words?”. When the first human societies started accumulating reserves of food, lumber, domestic animals and materials and to exchange these with other groups of humans, keeping track of everything was becoming a problem. The first writing systems were invented as a way to solve that problem, they figured out that by associating each resource with a symbol they could easily keep track of what they had and how much of it they had.

    The same logic apply to fascism. Fascism didn’t appear because some guy woke up one day and decided to be an asshole for no,reason. As the contradictions of capitalism worsened (contradictions are also a concept from dialectical materialism btw), peoples were becoming radicalized against capitalism and the bourgeoisie which created the threat of a potential revolution overthrowing capitalism, in order to protect capitalism from that threat, the petty bourgeoisie tried to hide the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat by fabricating a fake struggle against a group of the proletariat (typically a “race”) that they could point to to divert attention from the class struggle.

    This is what is meant in this context. Since liberalism is the main ideology of capitalism, when the contradictions of capitalism inevitably makes everything break down, liberals will either be radicalized to the left and stop being liberals, or defend capitalism to the end by slipping more and more to the right until they become indistinguishable from fascists.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery time
    1 month ago

    Forcible suppression of opposition

    Democrats kicked the Party for Socialism and Liberation off the ballot in Georgia already, so while we aren’t all the way there, signs of it are showing up

    Don’t forget all the times they broke strikes, sent the cop beat up protesters, arrested peoples who spoke against Israel, etc…

    Militarisation of society

    Not there yet, sure.

    Normalizing wars for resources and geopolitical influence, cohering poor peoples to join the army by having military service be the only way to not fall into decades long crippling debt to pay for college, continuing to throw more and more money at the military industrial complex even though they already give it more than the next 10 biggest military spending combined and justifying it with fearmongering about Russia/China/whatever country they don’t like invading them and their allies. They already seem pretty militaristic to me.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlSolution
    2 months ago

    Okay you are clearly refusing to face facts. Whatever the Dems do, the Reps say ‘they should have done more’. You are fixated on the Dems being the ones signing solely because they are in power when the Reps ENTIRE FUCKING PLATFORM is that Israel needs more support.

    None of the facts you presented show that the Republicans would do worse.

    Of course they’re saying the Dems aren’t supporting Israel enough, the Reps’ whole electoral strategy is to whine about the Democrats and blame them for everything they think is wrong. Just because they say the Democrats support Israel less than them doesn’t make it true.

    Again, the Democrat’s actions show clearly that they are unconditionally supporting the genocide with every resource they have.

    You aren’t arguing in good faith

    I am though.

    I go through every argument you made point by point, and explain point by point in detail why they don’t convince me, the problems I have with them, my perspective, so that you can come with better more convincing arguments.

    That’s arguing in good faith.

    But instead crafting better arguments to counter the points I raised you just keep repeating over and over that the Dems are better without ever demonstrating it. So far you’ve given just 2 sources, of which only the second was relevant to my main point, and no actual argument of your own as far as the subject matter is concerned.

    I dare suppose that this is because you don’t actually have any answers to the many points I raised, or if you do you’re certainly not showing it.

    and just repeating the same tired ‘Dems did bad stuff tho’ instead of acknowledging that the Reps would absolutely do worse, in their own words, supported by their own actions, happily.

    'Course they say they would do worst. Complaining about the Dems posturing as progressive is their all thing. Doesn’t make it true. See first point.

    This unwillingness to get beyond past wrongs to see how you’re own myopic actions only make things worse is a running theme with the Anti-Zionists so I guess in a way this is my fault for trying to educate the unwilling.

    This is not just past wrongs, this is above all current wrongs, the genocide is going on right now, and the Democrats are supporting it right now.

    Again, this point is only valid if you believe that the Democrats are less bad than the Republicans, which I don’t believe and which is what I’ve asked you to provide evidence of, which you didn’t do.

    Also, your smug attitude since the beginning certainly isn’t isn’t a sign of good faith on your part.

    Don’t listen. Keep sawing away at that nose. You aren’t worth arguing with at this point unless you agree the Reps outright say they want to do more for Israel than the Dems have and admit the only reason they haven’t is solely because they aren’t in power. We’ll just have to wait for the Rep leopards to be voted in and start eating your faces. At which point the metaphorical screams of pain will be little consolation.

    I’ve listened, I’ve read the things you linked and responded to the points you tried to make with them.

    To me, it’s you who don’t seem worth arguing with or willing to hear a different perspective.

    I doubt you even opened any of the many links I gave, or again, if you did, you sure aren’t showing you did.

    I mean, look at this line:

    You aren’t worth arguing with at this point unless you agree the Reps outright say they want to do more for Israel than the Dems

    That’s the whole thing we are arguing about tough. You’re basically saying that I’m not worth arguing with if I don’t already agree with you on the thing we’re arguing about. If that isn’t bad faith, I don’t know what is.

    And again with that smug attitude, as well as wishing harm on me for not wanting to support your favorite genocider club to top it all, how very blue MAGA of you.

    Weather or not you respond, I’m done here.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlSolution
    2 months ago

    I’ve done nothing but provide evidence the Republicans are worse, in their own words, if you’d read it.

    No, you didn’t. Once again you’re focusing on what the parties and their voters are saying and ignoring what they are doing.

    I’ve already addressed why the article you linked don’t prove that the Democrats are less bad 👈 This is what I’ve requested evidence for, in case you forgot. I don’t need you to tell me the Republicans are bad, I already know that.

    The very fact you say ‘no, the Dems are worse’ proves you support republicans because at this point it is one or the other.

    An other strawman. When did I say that the Dems were worst? I said they were both bad. That’s my whole point since the beginning: that there isn’t any lesser evil between the two. They are both equally bad, only the optics, the presentation, the aesthetic is different.

    Throwing a tantrum because the Dems are technically the ones in power and so you place all the blame on them is weak tea.

    It does put the blame on them though. As president, Biden is the chief of the entire US military, he could literally send one e-mail and end all shipment to Israel immediately, he has that power right now he just chose not to use it.

    And that’s just what the president alone has the power to do. Let alone the entire Democrat party with all the senators and governors that have.

    The House vote Republicans initiated to force the Dems to stop delaying the release of weapon shipments had 16 Dems vote for it, versus 208 Reps.

    That’s meaningless lip-service once again.

    If the bill don’t pass, they’ll maybe do one or two more bullshit pause in the shipments and boast that they’re so fucking great and progressive for it even though it doesn’t even bother the ongoing genocide in any meaningful capacity for the reasons I explained.

    If the bill do pass, they’ll get a free excuse to continue to unconditionally support Israel while getting to pose as great progressives for the even cheaper price of simply crying crocodile tears on TV and social medias about the bill, while not actually doing anything against said bill.

    In both cases they get their voters (you) to berate everyone about the Democrats just because they didn’t vote for a Republican bill they at best feel neutral toward.

    Press releases by Republican Senators calling the Dems “weak Palestinians” in a blatantly racist attempt to belittle their hesitation.

    Yes, the Republican don’t care if you see them for what they are while the Democrats are scrambling to convince their voter base that their evil actions somehow don’t makes them the ‘bad guys’. Again, nothing new, and nothing that contradict my position.

    If you have two racist KKK members uncles coming to Christmas eve, would you say that the one who at least shut up during dinner is better than the one who vomit racism on the table, or that it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day they are still both KKK members and you should kick out both? I say the second option.

    What the Fuck more do you need? Them to get into power and start invading Palestine with American troops? Get a clue, come on.

    They won’t do that. The American military know they would lose an open war in the region and that if they lose it would be the end of Israel. I know that Trump is a dumb fuck, but he’s not alone, there are corporations, handlers and generals behind him who won’t let Trump wreck Israel by his stupidity.

    The only way the US would send the army is if Iran, Hezbollah and Yemen attack Israel first, in which case the Democrats would sent the army too.

    Your argument sits on what ifs with no basis in reality.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlSolution
    2 months ago

    I’m not putting my hopes in the republicans, that’s a strawman and I’m sure you know that.

    I already said the Dems are the lesser evil.

    You still didn’t give any evidence that they are. You just assert that they are and retreat to pretending like I’m supporting the Republicans when I didn’t buy the Democrat’s “good optics” as proof that they are less evil.

    The evidence is overwhelmingly clear the Reps are not simply just unsympathetic but hostile to anti-zionists.

    So are the Democrats, have you not seen what kind of things they say about the anti-genocide protests? Have you not seen Kamala’s statement about the protests when Netanyahu was visiting? Or all the violent police crackdown that happened under the Democrat’s watch since October 7?

    You are holding a shitty hand and everyone knows it. Threatening to go all in on the Reps is going to get called every time.

    You know what else will get called out? You blatantly lying about what I said because you ran out of counterarguments. I don’t support the Republicans, they’re horrible too. It’s your unproven assumption that the Democrats are better that I’m criticizing here.

    All you can do now is fold, hope your chips go to the almost sympathetic Dems, and start playing the next hand dealt.

    the almost sympathetic Dems

    Ha, yes. The genociders who are almost sympathetic to the peoples they’re genociding. Again, no evidence, just faith. “The Democrats are the lesser evil, no I won’t prove it, you must accept it in your soul that they are the good guys, reject the evidence of your eyes and your ears telling you that they keep doing the things they used to criticize Trump for less than 5 years ago, just believe in the holy blue party!!!”

    The more time passes the more Blue MAGA becomes a fitting title for the convinced Democrats crowd.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlSolution
    2 months ago

    I see where you’re coming from, but once again, this is mostly the Democrat parties saying stuff and not doing anything meaningful.

    This article is talking about the Republican wanting to pass a bill forbidding withholding weapons from Israel over Biden saying (as in, not doing) that he might withhold weapons shipments.

    Digging a little in the links off your article, the only instance of Biden actually doing something is this. Which to be fair, sound convincing at a glance.

    But let’s examine closer: First of all, as is clearly written, the shipment is merely paused meaning they will still deliver it eventually. So already I can tell they don’t actually intend to hold back on the weapons and are just trying to calm the peoples angry at them for what they’re doing. If they’re elected again, as soon as they get to office they will resume giving every single bit of armament they can afford to Israel.

    Now let’s talk even more concrete, how much does this pause in the weapon shipments really affect the genocide. As anyone who was following the events since October 7 can tell, the genocide continued completely unbothered, and of course it did:

    A US official told CNN on Tuesday that the shipment, which was held back last week, includes 1,800 bombs weighing 2,000 pounds and 1,700 bombs weighing 500 pounds.

    This is the article’s description of the paused shipment, 1,800 + 1,700 = 3,500 bombs in total.

    Israel has dropped 45,000 bombs on Gaza since October 7 alone (so not counting the ones dropped before), This report dates back from Mars so the actual current number is probably much much higher. Sources: Bombings in populated areas: a new extreme reached in Gaza

    3,500/45,000 = 0.07 = 7%

    This shipment represent a mere 7% of the bombs dropped on Gaza, for the record the bombs the Israelis uses have a failure rate of 9% ~ 14%. In other words, this paused shipment bothered the ongoing genocide less that the small chance the bombs they do have might malfunction and fail to explode.

    I should also mention the fact that they paused the shipment of just 2 types of bombs out off all the weapons the US delivers to Israel, that’s essentially nothing. Source: Which US-made weaponry does Israel, which stands …. It’s all just lip service, good optics so that their convinced voters (you) can come at us all smug and go “see? they’re not that bad”, but when you look closely, there is nothing, it’s just a show to make themselves look good, there is nothing actually meaningful going on.

    And beside, let’s be honest, the reason they even did this inconsequential stunt of pausing this shipment is above all because the Democrat’s handlers knew that if Israel want into Rafah, they would just get their asses handed to them by Hamas and put the whole country in an even worst situation that they already were, which is exactly what happened. Source: Hamas Prepare Traps for IDF in MAJOR Counteroffensive.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlSolution
    2 months ago

    All this article is saying is that the Republicans openly boast about the evil things they do and their voters are openly pro-Israel, both of which I already know, and neither of which contradict what I said.

    Yes, the Democrats don’t give speeches in which they shamelessly talk about what they’ll do to all the peoples they hate the way the Republicans do, and pretend to care about minorities instead. But that doesn’t matter what they say, it’s too easy to say shit you don’t mean, what matter is what they do, and what the Democrats are doing is, as I’ve said, sending every weapons they can afford to Israel so that they can continue to slaughter Palestinians.

  • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlSolution
    2 months ago

    All that is only valid if you assume that there is a lesser evil between the two. That’s your problem, you’re left all confused at our stubborn refusal of voting for the democrats because you assume that we agree with you that the Democrats are less evil than the republicans. we don’t (those I know at least don’t).

    I’m telling you that honestly, I haven’t seen any evidence that the Democrats would be any less bad, nor any evidence that they have been any less bad until now, on the contrary. I haven’t seen any of the peoples who keep telling us to vote blue give any evidence than the Democrats are less bad, you just take it as an axiom that they are, never try to actually demonstrate it and build your entire argument on this very much unfounded basis.

    Your claim here that the Republican could do worst implicitly assume that the Democrats are holding back and not giving as much to Israel as they could, except 1) the Democrats are way too rabidly Zionist and full of AIPAC money for that to be true and 2) the US, right now under a democrat president, is already sending Israel everything they can afford to send without risking to escalate into a war with Iran and Lebanon against whom they know them and Israel would lose (they did war-games to simulate a war against Iran, they lost badly. Sources: How the U.S. Military Lost a War to Iran (In a Simulation, That Is) - Mackenzie institute A $250 Million War Game and Its Shocking Outcome - The National Interest Millennium Challenge 2002 - wikipedia)

  • Your reading of the situation is correct. There is a few reasons why this is the case:

    1. De-industrialization

    Imperialism allows western countries’ capitalists to exploit the cheaper resources and labor of some economically less developed nations and acquire super-profits on top through unequal exchange, since doing this is much more profitable than producing industrial goods in the west directly, western industrial capitalists have a huge incentive to move their factories to the third world. This has the effect of de-industrializing the west itself, and has gotten so bad that some European countries like the UK can barely even produce their own steel anymore, which is very bad given how important steel is to a lot of industries.

    This makes the west more and more dependent on supply lines they don’t necessarily control in order to get the resources and goods they need, in this situation the smart thing to do would be to diversify your supplier countries do reduce any ones’ leverage over your country. But…

    2. De-localization and American influence

    The US has been hard at work making sure Europe was dependent on them above anyone else for supplies.

    They have also have been offering generous advantages to businesses who would de-localize to the US, aggravating the problem for their own profits.

    This is part of the reasons why the US has been doing somewhat better than the rest of the west despite de-industrialization and financialization affecting them too, they’ve been sucking on Europe like a parasite to offset the problem ever so slightly.

    3. Innovation vs profits

    As you’ve noted, most of the technological progress lately has been happening in the third world who has been catching up while the west seems to have lost it’s drive and is being overtaken. There are a lot of factors at play here but the main issue is the profit motive. A lot of research and a lot of things that are useful for a society aren’t profitable.

    Take China’s high speed train network for example, it’s a very good thing for the peoples that there is such a good method of public transportation available, but it’s not profitable, the Chinese state is running it at a loss (offset by other income sources, but still). Because of that, such a good railway network would never be built in the west because the western companies and even governments are only interested in infrastructures if they bring in a profit.

    An other example is renewable energy. For many years a lot of peoples have had and propagated this narrative that, since green tech is becoming cheaper, profit driven organizations would have an incentive to switch away from fossil energy, yet this hasn’t happened. Why? Because profit isn’t that simple.

    Why can a business buy a pile of woof for 1$ and sell a chair made from the wood for 2$? Where do the added 1$ come from? It comes from work, they can take this chair made from 1$ worth of wood for 2$ because it’s not just a pile of wood anymore, something happened to it, someone used their time and energy to turn the wood into a chair. If it was possible to use some kind of spell to turn wood into chairs without effort, competition would drive the price down to the value of the dead materials that makes it: 1$, and the profit rate in the industry would be 0$ or very close to 0.

    This, in a nutshell, is why cheaper green tech hasn’t pushed corporation to transition to clean energy. Sure, it’s cheaper, but it’s also vastly less profitable because green tech like solar panels and wind turbines are much more automatized than fossil fuel which mean less peoples who’s work add value to each unit of energy produced which mean proportionally less profit. This is why the green transition hasn’t happened and won’t anytime soon as long as the west is driven by the profit motive above all else.

    4. What can be done?

    The problem is the profit motive and private property. The capitalists shouldn’t be allowed to do whatever they want with the industries and infrastructures society needs, taking them to a different country whenever they feel like it, taking jobs away from us to exploit less developed nations, etc…

    What needs to be done is to kick out the neoliberals, nationalize a bunch of important industries, restrict what capitalists are allowed to do with their private properties and moving toward abolishing private property altogether.

    And the way to move toward this goal is to learn political theory and start organizing. Go to marginalized communities, poor peoples, even to the petty bourgeois not wealthy enough to move their business to the US and get left to die by the wealthier international bourgeoisie who are robbing their country, help them, listen to their problems and their complaints, help them understand where these problems come from and why the right’s analysis of the situation isn’t correct, and build a democratic popular movement able and willing to take power, by force if necessary.