I didn’t know he had kids.
Reddit is trash
I didn’t know he had kids.
Same. Been using it since its original release
It’s organized crime talk. E.g. “Take care of it” can mean so many things. You talk in generalized words and let your underlings sort it out.
They’re afraid of his base.
Wake me up when the giant breast mods start. That’s when people will truly begin modding
Thank god someone else remembered that movie
What laws are being broken?
Yet anothet “I don’t understand geopolitics” post. Sometimes there are no good guys and everything sucks.
It’s still a horrible precedent. Don’t feed the trolls.
Sokka was constantly owned by female characters. And he learned and grew from it.
Tall women are fun.
Are they rich and connected enough to dodge subpoenas now?
Does an apple a day keep the doctor away? Click here!
“Here, let me give you a hand…” 👋
Government small enough to fit in your pants
Don’t hold your breath. The system works for the right people
An uneducated public helps the people in power
Lots of pissed of nerds
It’s working as intended.
Jon? Is that you?